Each season gets better.!
T Man | NJ | 04/05/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Awesome!Better than season 2, which was very good.Season 4 is
even better than season 3,just got better with age.Sadly season
5 was the last and the only in color episodes which many say
led to the demise of Combat,however it was still going strong
when the final episode was aired.Season 5 is going to be released
fron the original tapes,there is no time-compression!Indications
are it will be released mid to late summer '05."
Best season of the series!
Hiram Grant | 02/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"All the seasons are worth viewing, and, yes, could have carried on probably one more season. Season 3 probably doesn't have the single best episode, but is of the highest quality episode to episode of any season.
Since I've viewed all 5 seasons, I can state that all hold up well, and you'll have episodes you love from every season. And of course, each has a clunker or two. But each season deserves at least 4 stars. Not bad for a five year run."
More of the Best
Jeffrey A. Davis | Chicago, Illinois USA | 09/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's more of the same as other reviewers. Just terrific, absorbing and great theartre. Enjoy it. Going to watch and episode now."
Ernest Caldwell Jr | Charlotte, NC | 07/27/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just finished Season 1 & 2, and so far Season 3 Operation I is just as good. A lot of good episodes in this set. To those that see trees instead of forests, "The Duel" episode might seem stupid, as the German tank commander is an idiot to waste all that ammo in his attempt to get one soldier armed only w/ a Thompson. However, it was one of may favorite episodes in this set, as the story is just about the competition that occurs between the 2 men. Yeah, the tank commander has an EGO the size of Texas, but I really enjoyed the story of competition. Every since I was a kid, whether we were racing on bikes, homemade skateboards, playing football, or even later, partcipating in occassional steet competitions w/ the musclecars of the day, I just enjoyed the competition to see who the winner would be. That's what the German tank commander was wrapped up in, the competion of it all. Again, he was an idiot, but I understood why he might do that.
Unlike most modern TV shows, it's nice to see good triumph also. Thankfully this occurs in many COMBAT episodes, but I thought "The Hard Way Back" was one of the better illustrations. Fear initially overtakes Sal's character, but in the end he does the right thing, but he struggles w/ achieving that goal. I suppose a lot of people nowadays might see it as corny, but then I think that's part of what's wrong w/ our modern world; too many people think its corny to see good triumph. That's my 2 cents worth, so I'll step off of my soapbox.........."