NEVER FORGET their sacrifices. Never diminish their accompli
Thomas D. Mckelvey | 07/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a no non-sense account of 7 months on the ground in the Anbar province in Iraq with the Marines of Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Regiment, 4th Marine Division. A reserve company located in Columbus, Ohio, these are the images and recollections of average people put in extraordinary circumstances. The video comes, not from mainstream media, but from the Marines and Sailors themselves. Vivid, jarring images and factual, emotive commentary by members of a unit that was at the forefront of most major combat operations in the hardest fought region of Iraq in 2005. Having spent quite some time with most of these men, though I used to think of them as kids, even I was unprepared for the unwavering willingness to share their experiences of combat, emotion and loss. They are quite clear in their messages of why they fought and why they were willing to share their experiences. For our brothers. Semper Fidelis."
Real soldiers, real war, via home video
Daniel B. Clendenin | | 07/14/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This video diary is by soldiers and about soldiers, specifically, the 184 marines of Lima Company, a reserve unit from Columbus, Ohio, that was deployed to Iraq from February 28, 2005 to September 30, 2005. The film begins with their jaunty send-off and ends with their tearful reunions amongst a flag-waving crowd waiting for them in the rain. "No one told us we couldn't," remarked one marine about filming their war experiences on home video cameras, "so we did." Many of the reservists thought they might be sidelined to some insignificant duty where they wouldn't screw up the real war. That was not to be. Lima Company saw significant battle and lost 23 comrades during their seven month tour. You see first hand how and why. The film alternates between their home videos of the war and their commentaries about their experiences once they got home. We also hear several families relive how and when they heard that they had lost a son in Lima Company. This is no Hollywood production, and that, along with learning what life is like for a soldier in battle, are the film's greatest strengths."
Mandatory viewing
C. Demarest | Meriden NH United States | 06/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The fate that befalls Lima Co's deployment, contrary to word of an easy rotation from returning Marines, displays not only the reality of war, but the effects it has on both fellow Marines and family members stateside. This movie puts faces to the otherwise growing figure of fallen heroes we read about on an almost daily basis. We get an intimate account of the events of their deployment, both of their fighting and their crazy, but innocent antics during down time. The editing is superb, keeping us totally engrossed. I have watched this movie repeatedly, hoping the outcome for some in the end, will be different. Alas, the sad reality is the losses remain the same."
Best OIF documentary
Sean Young | AZ | 11/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is by far the best war documentary that covers the current conflicts. I am a Soldier with 2 tours in Iraq and I think this story is amazing. The actual Documentary itself was very well made and the whole thing is a tear fest. It is insane what these guys went through and I think every American should watch this film, these Marines of Lima CO are an inspiration for me. I am a Combat medic (the equivalent of a Corpsman) in the Army and for those of you that want to see the average experiences of the infantry in Iraq, this isn't average, this is the worst case scenerio.
Another film that is worth watching and I think shows the average experience of life in Iraq is Occupation: Dreamland, which follows the 82nd. Another one is Gunner Palace and it does reflect how a lot of support personnel are living in Iraq, yet the troops in it are an embarrassment to the Army. An amazing documentary that covers WW2 is The War by Ken Burns, nothing compares to it."