From Hero to Has-Been
J. S. Kaminski | Aberdeen, NJ United States | 11/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Columbus: The Lost Voyage" covers the little-known, or at least, little-discussed last of his four trips to North America. Everyone knows about the first, but he made three more, the final one resulting in utter failure.
Columbus encountered numerous problems, ranging from a hurricane to hostile natives to shipwrecks to hostile Spaniards(!) to mutiny. The program decribes this last voyage as a disaster and I would have to agree. Columbus's aim was to find that elusive passage to the Orient, yet it escaped him, replaced instead by the many hardships he suffered mentioned above. In the end he lost all four of his deterating ships to the elements and had to pay for his passage back to Spain with his own money! Within two years of returning Columbus died, a broken man; an inglorious end for the person who started a new age in history.
Four stars. Interesting story. Columbus serves as a vivid reminder that all glory is fleeting..."
Columbus - Post 1492
Bryan M. Toth | Blairstown, NJ | 09/06/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A little slow at some points about 45 minutes into the episode, but overall an interesting and in depth presentation about Christopher Columbus that gives the general public (and students if you're a teacher) a better idea of the fate of Christopher Columbus. It humanizes the legend that is Columbus into a fallible, arrogant, and devoutly religious man that ended up ship wrecked on the island of Jamaica hoping for a passing ship to rescue him and bring the "Hero of 1492" back to Spain."