Kristina G. (familiagarduno) from COLUMBUS, OH Reviewed on 6/29/2009...
Ok- so maybe it's my age, but it sure seems that I couldn't really get into this movie. The humor was a little juvenile and dirty, but it did bring back memories from my college days (good and bad ones!!). If you like these kinds of pics, it's for you. But for me, I am struggling to even give it one star. Good luck....
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Movie Reviews
Nothing new
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 02/04/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"College paints the same tried and true portrait of drunken debauchery that high school kids love to watch, and while it manages to provide a little bit of laughs, it doesn't end up nearly being as funny as it could be. Basically Superbad-lite, College tells the tale of a trio of high school kids (Drake Bell, Andrew Caldwell, Kevin Covais) looking for some fun at a college campus on the weekend. Running afoul of some frat boys (Nick Zano, Gary Owen, and Whitest Kids U Know member Zach Cregger), the trio partake in the usual mix of hijinks that you'd expect from this sort of thing, with a few laughs to be found to be sure, but not nearly enough to hold your interest during the film's whole running time. It doesn't help when our trio of heroes prove to be more annoying than the frat boys they're taking on either. You'll definitely see worse comedies of this type than College, but you know you're in for a rough time when you get more laughs watching the DVD's blooper reel than watching the actual flick."
Robert Brimacombe | Michigan | 03/10/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not going to go in detail on this movie like most reviews, cause this movie is so terrible that it doesn't need to take anymore time from my life. Quite plain and simple, pass on this movie. It sucked BAD! I can't explain how awful it was. It seemed like a k-mart version Super Bad. No wait, more like a Dollar Store version. Just plain crap. I gave it one star, because I couldn't give it 0 stars. It's so bad, it's not even pirate worthy."
Horrific, absolutely horrific
Nick Colosi | Chesterland, OH, USA | 02/06/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"College has to be the worst movie ever created. To take a movie that plays off the stereotypes that have been used time and time again is one thing, but to do so and make the movies a millions times worse, that's just sickening.
This movie has virtually no plot, except showing college to be one huge party with nudity, alcohol, cursing, and debauchery and about nothing else. The acting, I mean look at the names, is terrible. The driving force behind this film is ultimately shock factor; that is, where can we place the vomiting scenes and excessive male nudity to receive the most number of cringes. I don't think I laughed during this movie, but I did cringe a lot.
The underlying romance is completely ludacris and bears no resemblance to real life. Three high school guys go down to a campus and score three college girls, like that happens every weekend.
Some movies are bad but acceptable because you're just looking for cheap laughs. This isn't one of them. This movie is so bad, in fact, that you will be hard pressed to find yourself laughing once. Unless you're one of those people that still finds the inaccurate stereotypes of frat boys, sorority girls, nerds, punks, and fat kids funny, in which case, you'd be too young to buy this movie anyway."
Everything a 17 year old guy would want to watch
Daniel G. Lebryk | 01/29/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Any guy over the age of 21 has seen this film 500 times, well I hope you haven't used your time that unwisely. The point, this story has been told over and over again, especially by National Lampoon.
This is at best a 2 star movie if you put a teenagers hat on (as an adult it's probably -10 stars). It's got the whole thing, drinking, fights, parties, jiggle, urination, and seriously fake college campus equiped with awesomely bad fraternities and sororites.
The back story, three high school seniors visit a campus and pretend to be college students. They fake pledge to a fraternity, and they get three girls. In the end they get found out and the three girls fall in love with these kids. In the meantime, the fun happens.
It is just stupid enough for guy humor. There is absolutely no relationship between this and what really happens in college.
On a positive note, the shots are all in focus, the sound is reasonably well recorded, and the lighting is good (that can't be said for many many films, including huge budge films). In it's genre, it's mid to bottom of the pack.
The comparison to American Pie is really wrong. It's probably just barely as good at the 4th Amerian Pie movie (they got progressively worse)."
These Animals Need A New House & Should Have To Go Back To S
Eric Ericson | Venice, Florida USA | 03/03/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Honestly, I'm surprised the current direct-to-video headliner "National Lampoon's..." wasn't above the title. Take three typical high school seniors, the fat wisecrack kid (think Jack Black & Chris Farley had a son), the nerdy kid (played by Kevin Covais, American Idol 5th Season finalist who no one really took seriously), and the "normal" kid (Nickelodeon escapee Drake Bell), and place them in the same old story of spending their first weekend ever in the future college they wish to attend and all the equally stereotypical hot drunk girls and mean as Hell frat guys they encounter. If you've seen Animal House, Revenge Of The Nerds, or any film that had some member counting on getting that scholarship and drunkenly blowing it badly, you've already seen this film. However due to the changing times, the extremely high levels of nudity and sexual situations, surprisingly high in let's say "alternative lifestyles", will remind you why films like this today need that little over-the-top extra to even get mentioned in the same paragraph as those real college classics. But when it boils down to it, it does have a couple of laughs, groans, and guffaws, but nothing to make you really want to see it a second time. It's disc has both the Unrated (that really, really pushes it) and a Rated (will anybody choose/see this version?) plus a gag reel, half of which is already in the end credits ala a Burt Reynolds film. For a rent it's not too bad, but the filmmakers here should go back a grade to see why college films succeeded so much in the first place without trying so hard to blow us away with gross-out jokes than actually well-written ones.