Second rate home movie
flickjunkie | 12/16/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Charlie Sheen produced this home movie starring his father (Martin Sheen), his uncle (Joe Estevez) and himself. This is a B-minus film about dirty cops involved in a drug deal. Almost everything about this film is second rate. The story is predictable and unoriginal. The dialogue is mindless and insipid. The photography is dull and the music is awful. The only redeeming elements are the stunts and pyrotechnics, which are reasonably well done.The acting is mediocre at best. Charlie Sheen is often embarrassingly bad, leaving his dad to carry the film. Uncle Joe is just a throw in to keep the family employed and adds nothing to the film. The three drug goons are wretched.Charlie Sheen's once bright career continues to grind gears with this clunker. I rated it a 4/10. Action lovers might enjoy it, but others will want to pass."
Sheen Shines Again
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is a must-see for anyone who wouldn't dream of missing an episode of West Wing. Martin Sheen does for the police force what he has done for the Presidential office- show us what it could and should be- as a dedicated cop and family man. Never a dull moment. Great action scenes, including an explosive ending."
For Sheen Fans...only
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Let me start by saying I'm a big fan of Martin Sheen and his clan. So I enjoyed seeing Martin, Charlie, and especially Martin's brother Joe Estevez (the resemblence is so strong you'll know when you see him) together in this film. I have to admit that the script was just terrible. The actors did what they could with it, but even Martin's always excellent acting couldn't redeem it.(Clearly he did this film only as a favor for his son.) I love Charlie Sheen and I know he was a creator of this film, but I can't lie - sometimes it's just painfully bad. That being said, it's worth watching for Sheen fans. I loved Joe and wish he was in more movies with Martin."