Marianna S. (Angeloudi) from HOLIDAY, FL
Reviewed on 3/28/2013...
I just started watching this mini-series on DVD after reading about it in People Magazine. As an American, I didn’t have much knowledge of Australia’s role in the war or life in Australia in and around Perth from 1943 to 1963. I am finding the story unlike anything I have ever watched before. I have to watch with the subtitles on, for many of the Australian idioms are unfamiliar to me. I am mystified by much of the goings-on in the story. The Lamb and Pickle families are thrown together in the big house in Perth without much explanation. The character motivations are unclear for the most part, and lots of times I think to myself….what on earth is going on here? I am in the middle of episode 4 of 6 and am very confused about the more magical eliments, such as the boatride through the stars, why Orrie has camped out in a tent behind the house, the talking pig, the parrot that excretes shillings, etc. Then there is the house moaning and groaning and speaking, the fact that no one ever tries to fix up that ramshackle dump, the boozy husband stealing character (Dolly), the plagiarizing author-to-be (Toby), the Aboriginal man who fears the house, etc. I am hoping that by the end these story lines will all make sense.
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