Currently Available DVDs (2) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (20)2003 - Medabots - Back in the Robattle Again (Vol. 7) 2002 - Medabots - The Face of Dr Meta-Evil (Vol. 6) 2002 - Franklin - Franklin and the Green Knight 2002 - Medabots - Use the Medaforce (Vol. 5) 2002 - Medabots - Medabot Wars (Vol. 4) 2002 - The Care Bears Movie 2002 - Medabots - Time to Robattle (Vol. 3) 2002 - Medabots - Medabots Robattle (Vol. 2) 2000 - Franklin - Franklin and the Green Knight 2000 - Pippi Longstocking Adventures on the South Seas