Clawhammer "Work in Progress" Ken Perlman' studies
D. Keeley | 02/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"'Round about eight years ago I purchased the book and the companion two videos by Ken. I had played at banjo for many years and when great teachers became available through video I started with Ken's set. Today you can get the DVD versions and have a less frustrating time because of the non-linear access. I had limited exposure to tablature as there really was not much around for any styles of banjo.
I guess one could learn much by the DVDs alone but the method was built on page by page coordination with the book. By fully learning the examples before going too much further beyond the technique being covered, I learned tab by working at it. It is also important to listen to much, much of the style you are going after. There are many outlets currently available by simple a stroke of the keyboard.
Ken Perlman's method is the one I would strongly recommend to anyone starting out to learn clawhammer banjo, as it does go on into more interesting studies without changing the momentum of finding another teacher or special media etc. After Ken's program I would suggest Ben Holt. He has two DVDs to build repertoire and "shading" of the song. IF someone just cannot get tablature, Muphy Henry's "Clawhammer 1&2" by Lynn Morris is Great!get them any way.
Summary: Ken's study system of book work and careful slow example of the music is second to none. The only comment I would make is the video technique is dated and the picture of the tree behind him looks like he has a branch out the ear, but that does not take away from the value of a professional teacher and performing musician of three decades truly wanting to share his earned expression of this American tradition. To progress you must work."
It's a bible for the more advanced & more at ease playing
Jennifer H. Tavernier | Reno,Nv | 01/31/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I thoroughly enjoyed it (reading and watching the dvd) - except that it was more than I bargained for (total rank beginner) - (plays other instruments and composer)
I had no experience reading tab, and the gradiant was confusing - plus instead of tuning it and staying in one key for a few songs, each tune presented was in a different tuning -
These are also complete arrgs. by Ken - What I needed were single line melodies, (I'm a fiddler) that I could play as I heard them -
Just lost interest, mainly because was not at his level of competence -
plus could not get at that time the basic bum ditty stroke down -
however, I can see it's value when one is more comfortable with the mechanics of playing, and conversant with tab.
Ken Perlman's Clawhammer Style Banjo DVD course
Kerasue | 09/06/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After many years of guitar playing, and a few months of trying to learn bluegrass style banjo, I decided to try to learn clawhammer banjo. I bought Ken Perlman's book and DVD, and started learning. His method of teaching is pretty easy to understand, however, I am not a good source of info for this because of my background of knowing how to play the guitar, and previous banjo playing. I advanced quite quickly in the DVD/book, I think due to that fact. I know that you should buy the book too, if you buy the DVD. The DVD alone is not enough to get the whole picture of what Ken is teaching you. The DVD starts off with quite simple material, then advances slowly to intermediate for a while, then quickly goes into quite advanced clawhammer techniques. I was in the midst of the intermediate stage when I found a local teacher. He was impressed with what I had learned so far, and said my technique was good. So I guess I owe it to Ken Perlman for that!"