Basic education
Rychefan | 06/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have viewed this whole DVD, along with the "special features" section. The description provided above is not quite accurate.
First, this DVD is hosted by Keith Wyatt, who is so far my favorite video guitar teacher. This makes the DVD great in that aspect.
Next, the DVD is a guide into the various types of electric guitars and amplifiers. Keith provides a solid overview and a little history to the guitars, who used what ones and what amplifiers were used with what guitars. He does a good job comparing the differences.
Third, this is NOT an instructional DVD as far as actually playing the guitar (which I thought it would be). Regardless, I feel for the novice guitarist this is a great DVD to understand the differences in guitars and amps. Keith details the history and why some chose "this one" over "that one".
There are some special features that are neat, like a short clip of BB King and how you create distortion from an amplifier.
All in all this was fun and informative to watch. It probably only takes one viewing to get the just of everything. After that you should be able to figure everything out on your own. I like this DVD and think everyone should take a gander. To be a "true" guitarist you need more than effects pedals. This DVD will give you the insight to help you."