Currently Available DVDs (4) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (45)2013 - The Illustrated Man 2012 - The Buccaneer (Blu-ray) 2012 - The Buccaneer 2010 - Clash of the Titans (Blu-ray) 2010 - Clash of the Titans (Keepcase) 2009 - Tony Palmer's Classic Film of John Osborne and the Gift of Friendship 2009 - A Village Affair 2009 - Florence Nightingale 2009 - Anna Karenina (1961) 2009 - House of Life 2009 - The Outrage 2008 - Time for Murder 2006 - The Illustrated Man 2006 - The Camomile Lawn 2005 - Shakespeare's Women 2005 - Charly 2004 - The Spy Who Came in From the Cold 2004 - Deja Vu 2004 - Richard III - Criterion Collection 2003 - The Haunting 2003 - The Chaplin Collection Vol 1 (Modern Times / The Great Dictator / The Gold Rush / Limelight) 2003 - The Princess and the Goblin 2003 - A Doll's House 2002 - Wrestling With Alligators 2002 - Barbara Taylor Bradford's A Woman of Substance Trilogy (A Woman of Substance / Hold the Dream / To Be the Best) 2002 - Hold the Dream 2001 - Look Back in Anger 2000 - What the Deaf Man Heard 2000 - Shameless 2000 - Limelight 2000 - The Lady and the Highwayman 1997 - Crimes and Misdemeanors The Haunting (La Maison du Diable) Haunting The (BD) Clash of Titans (Blu-ray/DVD Bundle)