10 buckets of gore please... and a side of mashed brains wit
QuickSilverSeven | USA | 08/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is an animated zombie movie (not many of those) with loads of bloody gore about an old guy beating the "living dead" out of zombies every chance he gets. Seems like 3/4 of this cartoon is just a stream of nonstop zombie deaths and zombies eating. Characters pretty much serve the purpose of being lunch for the dead, being ripped apart left and right in a blood drenched display.
The story reminds me of the anime Vampirehunter D, but instead of a talking hand, he's got a talking walker to dispatch the dead with. Sure an old guy's not as cool, but he makes up for it with his actions. The plot is slim, as City of Rott clearly puts the zombie-action first. The animation could've been better and there are slow parts, but the serious gore level makes up for it. Things get strange near the end, but it's one brutal zombie cartoon."
Fantastic idea, but the execution is a little off.
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 05/12/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"City of Rott (Frank Sudol, 2006)
I'll warn you up front: in order to explain my rating of this movie, it's going to have to spoil the major plot twist. Therefore, if you have any intention of seeing this movie, I warn you: stop reading RIGHT NOW.
Okay, now that everyone else is gone, the first thing to note: I was unaware (presumably, if you're considering buying it, you are not) that City of Rott is an animated movie. Yes, folks, cartoon zombies. How cool is that? Well, kind of. But it does get repetitive after a while. Fred, our main character, dodges zombies, kills zombies, meets other survivors, watches them get killed, dodges zombies, kills zombies... you get the idea.
Where this movie could have made a right turn to greatness was halfway through. Exactly halfway through. You see the pivotal scene, and you ask yourself "okay, this movie's only halfway over, what are we going to do for the next forty minutes?" The answer... we follow Fred around as a zombie. Now, I'm not one hundred percent certain about this, but I'm relatively sure no zombie movie made to date has followed its main character around both as a living creature and as a zombie. The very concept is brilliant. Unfortunately, Sudol-- who's pretty good at making shorts-- is not the guy to do it in a full-length movie. The Fred-as-zombie half of the movie quickly becomes as repetitive as the first half, and we're pretty much back to square one.
But someone needs to take this concept and run with it, and Sudol gets serious points for coming up with the idea in the first place. ** ½"