IIn 1984, Lloyd Kaufman and the Troma Team introduced the Toxic Avenger to an unsuspecting world. No one could have expected the response The Toxic Avenger received, with rave reviews in The New York Times and The Village ... more »Voice and playing theatrically in New York City for a year. Since then, Toxie has grown from a cult icon to an indelible part of the American lexicon. In the space of fifteen years, Tromaville's favorite hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength has traveled from movies to comics to TV to the World Wide Web. Toxie's brilliant career has produced two theatrical sequels, The Toxic Avenger Part II and The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation Of Toxie, an animated television series (Toxic Crusaders), numerous spin-off comic books published both by Marvel Comics and Troma's own independent comics imprint, action figures, games, Topps trading cards, designer jewelry, and more merchandise than you can shake a mop at.« less
"Lloyd Kaufman is a genius making masterpieces on a budget that would barely be enough to pay for one day's catering on an average Hollywood producton and he does it for thirty years now. In a world where low budget independent filmmaking means manymultimillion dollar productions by subdivisions of Warner and Disney, Lloyd Kaufman survived for three decades (and counting) with his truly independent filmcompany Troma and in doing so directed, produced and/or wrote dozens of brilliant films. (For which he received a lifetime achievement award at this year's edition of the prestigious Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival.)
CITIZEN TOXIE: THE TOXIC AVENGER IV is his latest and even better than even those brilliant masterpieces as TROMEO AND JULIET and TERROR FIRMER. I am not going to give away anything of the story, too much is happening in any case to even begin to tell you about in a few lines, but it is SO wonderful you just have to see it for yourself. Dave Mattey is ondoubtly the best Toxie of all four films, Heidi Sjursen his best (in this case) Sarah, and even though the budget of the film is not much more than that of the first one, made almost twenty years ago the production value of this one is unbelievable! This exact same film made by one of the Official Indepentents (Miramax, how independent can one be?) would have cost at least ten times this amount. And then - they would never have the guts and the intelligence to come up with this totally awesome film in which more aspects of our messed-up world are tackled that they could cram in their entire catalogue.
Apart from a film you can't afford to miss, this 2-disc-DVD-set (and look at the rediculously low price!) provides you with SO much more. There are no less than three full-length audio-commentaries. One by director Lloyd Kaufman, and his commentaries are always at least as entertaining and insightful as the feature itself. This particular one even includes a soundsample of Troma co-founder Michael Herz!! The second one is a wonderfully compiled track with contributions by the most important stars of the film, including Troma Action Hero Joe Fleishaker, star of many of Kaufman's past movies.
Another track is by the editors of the film and provides even more info on how such a brilliant film could be made under conditions that are difficult to say the least. At any rate - much more is there, such as loads of deleted scenes (with or without commentary), talks with the cast and crew, footage of CITIZEN TOXIE-premieres around the world, tons of hidden easter-eggs and much, much more. Apart from all this there even is a complete second feature: the 135 minute behind-the-scenes documentary APOCALYSPE SOON, which also comes complete with it's own deleted scenes! This is NOT the usual "he is wonderful, he is great, he is the best" docu - as the audiocommentaries do it provides a no holds barred look inside the hard-working-low-paying world of independent cinema. These people are HONEST, and where do you get that on your DVD-extra's??
There is no doubt this is the very best DVD-presentation of a movie ever - over six hours of Tromatic entertainment, and I'm not even counting the multiple viewings of the film itself with the various audio-tracks! Count those and you need a week to take in all information this instant interactive encyclopeadia provides.
If you haven't seen the other installements of THE TOXIC AVENGER, not to worry as everything you need to know is worked into the movie, without it being boring for those who are familiar.
Don't rent this one, don't watch your friend's copy but support independent cinema and buy our own copy. You never received so much value for your bucks!! (Except maybe when you bought Lloyd Kaufman's latest book MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOVIE)."
These drugs are gonna blow my a$$ off!
Luke | Delta, CO | 11/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Once again we are back for another Toxic Avenger review. After two rather lackluster sequels (which I, surprisingly, enjoyed), Lloyd Kaufman and crew return with the hilarious, gory, and very violent Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV.
What seperates Citizen Toxie from the other sequels is the care that was taken with this sequel. Sure, Toxie 2 and 3 were labors of love, as all Troma movies are, but they were missing some key ingredient that made the original Toxic Avenger so fun and enjoyable- a truly cohesive story... well, as cohesive a story as a Troma film can have. For instance, the thing about Toxie 3 that made no sense was his willingness to get involved with the Apocalypse, Inc company after all the evil they did in Toxie 2. Plus, those films were less about Toxie doing what he does best- fighting crime- and more about stunts and gags that truly felt way too long and way too often, whereas the fight scenes in Toxie 2 felt more like an obligation instead of something that truly belonged. It was almost like, with these sequels, Kaufman said, 'okay, let's try to develop the character of Toxie even more!' when, truly, there isn't too much more you can expand on about Toxie. He's a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength- what more can you do with that?
And that's what's great about this film, is they don't really try to do much more in terms of changing Toxie's character and persona and instead simply show Toxie fans what we want to see- bad guys getting violently killed, and the frailty of the citizens of Tromaville when it comes to loyalty to Toxie.
The film opens with the Diaper Mafia invading the Tromaville School for the Very Special. What follows is a mix and mash of 'special' people being killed, and Toxie showing up and avenging their deaths. Enter Tito, The Retarded Rebel, one of the funniest characters in any Toxie film, if not the funniest.
After a huge explosion destroys the school, Toxie is transported to an alternate dimension, called Amortville, while his evil doppleganger, Noxie, or The Noxious Offender, ends up back in Tromaville. Noxie wreaks havoc in Tromaville while Toxie tries to figure out a way to get home, all the while battling Evil Kabuikman, Evil Mad Cowboy, and a host of other characters.
One of the best ideas Troma could have had with this film was to include many more colorful characters outside of Toxie and Sara (who finally goes back to her real name, after being called Claire in Toxie 2 and 3.) We have Sergeant Kabukiman, NYPD, who is hilarious as a drunk superhero who pretty much has no powers. As mentioned before, Tito, the Retarded Rebel, is absolutely hilarious and had me laughing in every scene he was in. Then we have Sweetie Honey, who some will either love or hate, but I can't imagine anybody hating her- she's another hilarious addition to the cast. On top of the other superheros, including Mad Cowboy, Vibrator, Dolphinman, and Mastur- er, well, if you're reading this, you can probably guess what comes next.
The effects in this film, too, are excellent, aside from one headcrushing scene, in which using a watermelon really didn't work for Troma here. But we have disembowelments, a cross through the throat, gunshot wounds, and a magnificent head crushing scene involving a Bible and a State book. Troma really outdid themselves with some of the effects here- just wait till the awesome hospital slaughter scene. This film will definately not disappoint gore hounds.
The comedy is certainly in every reel of this film. There's jokes ranging from retard jokes to certain, um, 'favors' performed by the lovable old Chester, who can be a little bit TOO lovable. Tito has some of the best lines in the film, including, 'These drugs are gonna blow my a$$ off.' I laughed all the way through this film- even most straight up comedy movies fail to do that nowadays, and combining the blood and guts made this just eye candy for me.
Certainly, however, this film is not for everyone. It takes a special person to appreciate a Troma film, and I am more than proud to say that I love these movies, no matter how weird people might look at me for it. However, I have only seen the unrated cut, so I couldn't tell you what is so different between the rated and unrated cuts, but I can imagine, after seeing the rated Toxie 2, that it probably butchers the film.
This is a definite buy if you enjoy these kinds of movies. It has everything a Troma fan could want.
And yes, if you are worried, there is nudity. Plenty of it.
Plus, the making of the film, Apocalypse Soon, is almost 3 hours long and is very entertaining to watch, making this package a completely loaded DVD worth your time and money."
I wish I could give it more stars
Acid Jane | Portland, ME | 02/04/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A long time fan of Troma, I was very excited about the next installment in the Toxic Avenger series. Let me just tell you that I have seen a lot of weird, messed up, and down right insane movies, but this one has got to take the cake. They spared absolutely no expense in trying to offend every person, political group, organization, and anything and everything basically under the sun. It made me proud. I was even shocked at the extent they went, and that is REALLY hard to do. Just when I thought they had covered all aspects of humanity they would add another tid-bit of juicy offensiveness. I was very impressed with the effort that they had obviously put into this film, in excluding nothing from it's insulting and vulgar attacks. It's hilarious, full of cheese, and has plenty of violence. The plot is simple: Toxie gets mixed up with his evil twin Noxie and they end up in each other's different planes of existence-let the fun begin! Fans of troma and Toxie will cherish this movie, after I rented it I had to own it. It also has plenty of extras on the DVD, including a troma trivia game. This movie is bound to shock even the most desensitized viewer, as it did me, and delight all you morbid peoples' funny bones! Definitely a classic, and definitely worth it's weight in gold."
The best sequel in the series!
John Lindsey | Socorro, New Mexico USA. | 11/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A few years after the events of the original, a gang of criminals named the Diaper Mafia takes hostage of a school for the special in the town of Tromaville. New Jersey's favorite hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength known as The Toxic Avenger and his sidekick named Lardass dukes it out with the gang but during an explosion something unexpected happened, it sends Toxie in another dimension at an alternate Tromaville called Amortville where everything is bad while an evil version of Toxie called The Noxic Offender is in Tromaville causing all sorts of trouble. But luckily Toxie's best friend Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD with a group of unusual misft superheroes must try to stop Noxie, meanwhile in Amortville Toxie with a retarded girl and a retarded teen rebel must find some way to get back to Tromaville or else the town will be doomed and will Toxie's wife Sarah give birth to either a good or bad child?
Featuring special appearences by Ron Jeremy, Mark Togel (who played Melvin in the original movie), Dan Snow (known as CigarFace from the original movie), Corey Feldman and narration by Stan Lee, this is the best sequel of the Toxic Avenger franchise. It discards parts 2 and 3 as if they didn't happen and becomes the real sequel to the 1985 cult horror comedy classic much like "Superman Returns" did with the Superman franchise did with continuing off where parts 1 & 2 left off pretending that 3 and 4 never existed. This is a non-stop ultraviolent ride of dark humor, graphic gore, head crushing, sex, lesbianism, social satire on today's issues especially a satire on the Columbine murders and extreme violence galore that has the charm of the original movie that made it a cult masterpiece. The film may offend some people but hey, it's great gory-as-hell and tasteless but rib-tickling fun for fans of horror comedy, Troma, gore and cult movies.
This 2-Disc DVD collector's edition contains the full Unrated director's cut loaded with awesome extras such as an introduction by Troma and Toxie co-creator Lloyd Kaufman, Three seperate audio commentaries, Trailers to this and a few other Troma movies, a behind the scenes look and interviews with the stars, some easter eggs, deleted scenes with optional commentary, Outtakes, Pre-production featurette, Toxie Mold make-up test, Script meeting, a 98 minute feature length documentary on this movie called "Apocalypse Soon", Clyde Lewis Dubs Toxie featurette, New York & L.A. premieres, and premieres at the international film festivals."
Not better than the original but nearly just as good.
Luis Juarbe | 06/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"the first toxic avenger is one of my favorite films and on my list of favorite films. the 2nd and 3rd werent to great but after seeing the trailer for citizen toxie on my copy of the original i couldnt wait to see it. in this film toxie gets thrown into an alternate universe and an evil toxie named the noxious offender goes to toxies universe. toxie has to get back in his own universe and defeat noxie while battling other feinds along the way. this film is great. its full of over the top gore, gross out gags, politically incorect humor and gratuitous nudity everyone can enjoy. saying that, this film is not for everyone. people who are offended easilly or cant take a joke will not like this film because it makes fun of abortion, school shootings, the mentally handicap, racism and much more. the only thing that i didnt totally enjoy was that toxies make up wasnt that great. he looks cool, but his make up is kinda lame. toxie still looks cool and this movie is awesome. its nearly as good as the original and one of the few films i can watch over and over again. awesome!"