Two challenging workouts for intermediate and beyond
Beth Cholette | Upstate NY USA | 03/18/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Shape Your Body was Cindy Crawford's first workout video, which she created in collaboration with personal trainer Radu. Shortly after its release, it was criticized for containing dangerous moves, largely because Cindy sometimes shows poor form and often moves much too quickly through the exercises; however, experienced exercisers who know how to modify should not have any problems. The video contains 3 strength-based workouts: a 45-minute workout focused on stretching and toning your legs plus working your buttocks, chest, back, and abs; a 40-minute workout aimed at building power and strength in your legs plus working your shoulders, arms, and abs; and a quick, 10-minute full body training routine using no equipment. Because the first two workouts target different muscle groups, they are designed to be performed on consecutive days, while the third workout is meant as a short bonus for days that you don't have time do more than that. The style of these workouts is high repetition, low weight training; you definitely don't have time to switch to heavier weights between the various exercises. Radu provides voiceover instruction for the first two workouts and occasionally appears on screen to adjust Cindy's form; Cindy herself also makes frequent comments throughout the workouts, which are filmed in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings to a pop soundtrack.
The first workout begins with a 6-minute warm-up containing fast-moving stretches. The next 12 minutes focus on standing leg work: you'll do a series of "leg swings" while holding on to a chair for balance and moving to the front, side, and back (these are sort of modified ballet-type movements). You then perform a lunge combined with a front kick. The leg swings and lunges are repeated for a total of three sets of each. Next, you'll move to the floor for 4 minutes of buttocks work, again doing a tri-set: pelvic lifts lying on your back with your heels on the chair, leg lifts lying on your side, and leg lifts back from an all-fours position. Moving on to the upper body, you do 3 sets of 10 push-ups. Next comes a lying tri-set of flies, chest presses, and lat pullovers, again repeating for 3 total sets. Continuing with back work in a standing position, you do a 1-armed row, a standing double row, and a seated row tri-set; total time for the upper body portion is 10 minutes. Last comes 7 minutes of abs work, and in this segment, Cindy moves particularly fast. She performs crunches, a full sit-up, reverse curls, and a side jackknife for 3 sets of each. The workout ends with 5 minutes of lying and seated stretches for a total of just under 43 minutes.
The second workout begins with a 5 ½ minute warm-up that is virtually the same as in Workout 1. Again starting with the legs, you'll perform an interesting side lunge series in which you lunge, lift, and turn, raising your back leg. This is combined with a plie squat, front lunge, and regular squat, with the entire series being repeated for 3 sets. To finish of the legs, you do just 1 set of leg swings from each of the 4 positions, bringing the legs segment in at a total of 9 ½ minutes. Next comes the 9-minute arms segment. Here, you'll do 8 different exercises (bicep curls, barbell press, flies, triceps kickbacks, reverse curls, shoulder press, front raise, French press), repeating the entire series 3 times total. Finally, there is a 9-minute abs section in which Cindy performs a variety of crunches at a lightning-fast speed; in fact, the moves are better thought of as pulse rather than crunches, as there is little time for a full crunch. The workout ends with a 4.5 minute cool-down stretch and comes in at just under 39 minutes.
For the last workout, Cindy is instructing alone without Radu. She does not use any equipment and is not even wearing shoes for this segment, but she addresses virtually the entire body in this short 10-minute workout. After a few quick warm-up stretches, Cindy begins with the legs, alternating squats and lunges for a total of 3 sets of each. Moving to the floor, she performs 3 sets of 10 push-ups using different hand positions. Next comes the abs work, and Cindy uses 4 different crunches to target the upper abs, obliques, lower abs, and entire midsection. Finally, she does some pelvic tilts to work the buttocks, and the workout ends with a brief stretch. I would rate these workouts as at an intermediate level and above; they would not be a appropriate for beginners who would be unfamiliar with how to modify the moves for safety. The exercises included are varied and interesting and I felt thoroughly worked out after each session. Despite these positives, this is not a video that I am interested in doing on a regular basis, mainly because the extremely fast pace made the workout feel more like a chore to me; I prefer Cindy's A New Dimension, which moves at a slightly more reasonable pace. However, if you are an intermediate-to-advanced exerciser who likes performing high repetition strength training workouts at a quick pace, you may enjoy these workouts. Overall, I rate the video as 3 ½ stars."
Surprisingly, a vigorous workout
Rizzo | Denver, CO | 06/08/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Apart from Cindy Crawford's "New Dimension", this one is a vigorous workout! Included with two separate 45-minute sessions is a 10 minute session for those days when you are in a hurry. RADU the fitness trainer is considered New York's toughest trainer. He has worked with models, actors and executives. Shots include the beautiful beach, rooftop, workout roomMUSICAL CHOICE is not the usual instrumental used in most videos; her choice is similar to her other video. Credits of musical selections are listed at the end, most songs performed by Primal Scream, Seal contributes "Crazy", "Ice" by Daniel Lanois, "State of Shock" Revenge and "Dis Moi Dis Moi" by Mitsou. It's unique and refreshing. ALTERNATE DAYS - The video is incorporated to do on alternate days. The nearly 100 minute tape is structured in two separate workouts. Workout I- 45 minutes is focused on leg work, use a chair, swing the legs this way, that way, back, front, etc. This "legwork" isn't usually done in most other workout experts, but it is very effective. She then continues a vigorous workout with buns, abs, chest (with small weights). Workout II is similar with concentration to the arms and shoulders, and more abdominal work. MINI WORKOUT - 10 minutes. This is done to get a real quick workout when time is essential. This is a challenging workout! I recommend it to anyone. It isn't difficult, it is just about getting to do it to make it easier! .......MzRizz."
Thank God for Cindy!! | Bay Area, CA, USA | 08/18/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i've been using this tape on & off for about 8 years. it works the bits it should, they ache and then u start and look great. no prancing around like some chicken on heat, just concentrated reps and sets targeting all those essentally "dangerous" areas for the female form! It's not too fast, in actual fact once u do this everyday, it's counted too slow. as for "unsafe" - where? i always feel stronger in areas previously weak e.g. lower back, so ignore that! (just don't push til it burns, reduce the amount of reps as recommended!) looking at cindy's figure throughout actually motivates me as she isn't a stick insect but has the body I want and can aim for (apart from the extra 5 inches in height unfortunately!) and the music is good, although if i had one dig - bring out another tape of similiar format, 2 new workouts and newer music...everytime i hear "crazy" by seal now i'm constantly reminded of kicking my legs in the air!!!! and one more thing - YES, for the first 2-3 days after the first workout dont be surprised if ROBOCOP can walk better than u can!! It hurts!"
Not really into workout videos but enjoy this one | 10/25/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It reminds me of the exercises we did at school but 20 times harder! This is a no nonsense, work your muscles to death type of video. Beginners take care and don't try to keep up with Radu's counting but when you manage to complete the first 45 minute workout and not feel pain - pat yourself on the back. Cindy tends to whiz thru the warm ups and cool downs/stretches so hit pause and do it at your own pace. Great music and cinematography and 3 workouts to chose from. All in all a very good buy."
Only if you really want to get in great shape
orangeboots | NYC | 06/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first went to Radu's gym about fifteen years ago. I started up again a few years back, but then switched to a job that was on the other side of town and just couldn't make it. I remember hearing he had made a work out video with Cindy Crawford and Voila!, quickly found it at a video store.
I LOVE IT!!! It was just like the classes, so I knew I made the right choice.
Every so often, when I realized I wasn't getting enough excercise in my daily routine of life, I'd start using the video again.
Radu is really a very tough trainer. No kidding, he doesn't mess around.
Knowing this, if you haven't worked out before or in a long while, start with the 10-minute routine first. Some reviews say how sore everyone is in the beginning - start with the 10-minute workout. After you're comfortable doing that for a week or so, move on to the 40-minute workouts. (Switch between the 10-minute and a 40-minute one if you're still too sore?) This last time around, I did the 10-minute one for about 4 weeks. (I began working at home and was dearly out of shape!) I then moved onto the 40-minute routines. After about a week or so of those, my boyfriend said "WOW! You look great! You really are doing those workouts every day, aren't you?" I don't know if it's the first 4 weeks of the 10-minute routine and then the 40-minute ones or just the 40-minute routines that made enough difference for him to notice, but it was still enough to make a difference. I'm no longer tired doing the simple things. Even if you're a workout fiend, you're still going to be challenged with this video.
As for one posting saying doctors have seen patients with back pain after using the video... Isn't it a long since known fact to consult a physician before beginning any type of workout regimen? If that same person went to a fitness class, the instructor would have noticed they were straining and had them slow down or stop. You have to use your own best judgement when you do it yourself at home.I cannot recommend this video enough. I guess there's a reason they say it's sold more than any other workout video.
The music doesn't get tiresome and some of the excersises for the same body area alter enough so it's not boring. The changes between black & white and color and the different backgrounds also keep it interesting. Add that to the fact that the routines aren't so "wild" that I can't do them in my tiny NYC apartment living room make it just the perfect fit.
After so many uses, the tape finally went "snowy" this morning, hence I'm on this site to buy a new one - along with the follow up I hear has long since come out. Stick with it and you WILL see changes.One last thing - I used canned soup and later liter sized bottled water as my "weights" for years. You don't want to be so sore in the beginning that you can't lift your toothbrush the next morning."