Fantastic Movies, Terrible Presentation
Nick | New York, NY | 01/09/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Boo, Warner Brothers!!!You've taken three amazing movies and packaged them terribly. I was extremely excited to have received this "box set" for Christmas, until I unwrapped it. It's three seperate loose DVDs with no box to tie them all together. And to add insult to injury, all of the DVDs are encased in the old-school type packaging with the cheap cardboard cover and black "snap" latch. Very disappointing. Warner Brothers SUCKS! They really need to work on how they showcase their work on DVD in the future. They could take a real hint from New Line which always releases their best films with pride and flair. As far as the movies go, they are amazing and packed with extras. It's just sad that they would call this a collection and not treat it as such."
Three great movies, but what's so special about the price?
Nick | 01/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm tempted to dock one star mainly because you'd actually pay LESS buying them separately than in this "special" package. ($14.99 each for Waiting for Guffman and Best in Show, $23.76 for Mighty Wind = $53.74). The three-fer costs over $55. What gives? Well, I suppose you save something on shipping.Regardless, these three films are easily worth the money at either price."
Great movies at an AWESOME price.
cplewis | Merrifield, Virginia United States | 10/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's hard to beat the "bang-for-your-buck" that these three solid films delivers -- getting the group of three at this amazing price (with an additional $10 rebate between now and February 2004) is well worth it no matter how many of these films you've seen so far or how familiar you are with Christopher Guest's work.Guest absolutely nails the 'mockumentary' genre, no matter what his subject matter: a small-town theatre production ("Waiting for Guffman"), a dog show ("Best in Show"), or a folkie reunion ("A Mighty Wind"). Fans will argue all day about which of the three is the 'best', but it's certain that you will find something to love in each of them. Don't miss the deleted scenes!"
As always with this group of actors, well worth a purchase
KaneRobot | Rochester Hills, MI United States | 09/24/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's hard to really rank what I call "The Four Spinal Tap Movies" (This Is Spinal Tap, Waiting For Guffman, Best In Show, and now A Mighty Wind) because they are all so good. For the uninitated, the common threads with these movies is that they all have involvement from Michael McKean, Harry Shearer, and Christopher Guest (Shearer wasn't in Guffman but did help with some of the music), and each movie picks a subject and builds a hilarious faux documentary around it. Spinal Tap did it with 80's metal, Guffman did it with community theatre, Best in Show did it with dog shows, and A Mighty Wind does it with folk music. I own all four and never regretted purchasing any of them.This is a very worthy purchase for fans of any of the above mentioned movies (just be sure to pick up the Tap disc as well, as that's probably the best of the four). Improv humor at its absolute best."