Reviewed on 1/18/2025...
The first thirty minutes of crudeness was completely unnecessary and took away from the quality of the hack and slash film. Some of the story was done well though but the ending was totally copied from a famous movie. A must for hack and slashers and terminator fans!
Walter K. (WalterKuzens) from CLACKAMAS, OR
Reviewed on 11/15/2023...
I’m going to write this review in the style of the movie. Ready?
This movie is effing terrible. The effing story revolves around a effing man and effing woman who spend a effing night together effing talking and effing talking like they maybe made it past sixth effing grade in their education. If you aren’t certain what I’m trying to say, replace “effing” with the f-word and perhaps it’ll make sense.
Yes, if you like the f-word you will think this movie was written by Oscar winners. In between the bloody parts 2 actors hold idiotic, profane conversations that have zero substance, are not entertaining, and are so laden with the f-word that I couldn’t stand another second of it and turned it off. I don’t care if your characters are rough, illiterate, punks, whatever - if you can’t write dialogue that literally includes the f-word in every single line then you shouldn’t be writing dialogue at all and should probably go back to prison where you learned to speak.
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