Why was America established as a largely Christian nation? In this DVD companion series to the History of Christianity & Western Civilization Study Course, you will discover the roots of America's Christian heritage. A... more »t the dawn of the sixteenth century, scant access to the Scriptures and undecipherable Latin liturgies prevailed in the Roman church, leading to widespread superstition, vice, and tyranny in the Western world. But with Gutenberg's printing press, the Bible was unleashed and ancient doctrines were rediscovered, resulting in broad-sweeping cultural changes in the church, arts, business, civil polity, and community life. Through the Reformers' efforts to apply the Scripture to every arena, God was exalted, tyranny was quashed, and civilization was transformed. This exciting DVD series traces the powerful influence that Reformed Christianity has had on Western culture over the last five hundred years. Contains 10 DVD messages from the Reformation 500 Celebration.« less