The latest series from the female artists' studio Clamp (X, Cardcaptor Sakura) is another tale about a geeky guy who meets a lovely, submissive female android, in the Hand Maid May/Steel Angel Kurumi mold. Maladroit 18-... more »year-old Hideki Motosuwa leaves his family's farm in Hokkaido to attend prep school in Tokyo. Hideki is a pleasant, somewhat hysterical character who falls in love with every girl he sees. When he arrives in the city, he discovers Persocoms (female robots), but can't afford one. He conveniently finds a very cute one in a trash heap, but she can only say "Chi." Hideki's neighbor Hiromu and his whiz-kid friend Minoru say Chi may be a Chobit, a super-Persocom they thought was just an urban legend. Chi is blank-faced and utterly passive, and American audiences may wonder why women artists would continue this sexist genre. (Rated 16 and older: nudity, sexual humor, tobacco use) --Charles Solomon« less
"Chobits is not at all sexist, its doesn't degrade women, nor does it sterotype women as sex objects. It's a very cute series and the characters are very lovable. Chobits is full of light humor and it's very easy to get into. The animations are absolutely fantastic, the characters are lovable, and the story is interesting. What else is there to say? Practically everybody who've spent more than 5 minutes with this (unlike Mr. Solomon here) have fallen in love with this series. The earlier episodes, like the ones on this dvd are especially good. PS - To call Chi passive and unexpressive is an insult to everybody's intelligence."
It's adorable and addictive
Matic | Florida | 10/09/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, I didn't want to like Chobits. I sneered at it from afar. Then I watched it, and now I'm hooked. #@&$@!Chobits tries to be a lot of things at once... a love story, a drama, a fanservice comedy. What is amazing it that it manages to stay so interesting. About the only negative thing I can say here is that Chobits deals frequently with sexual subject matter. But if you have access to cable TV then you and your kids have already seen enough to make this lightweight as far as adult subject matter. @#$@! I just can't find much to criticize.I give up. I admit it. I like Chobits. A lot. I want Chobits merchandise, and I want more Chobits DVDs to come out. Syrup never tasted sooo gooood."
Not For Feminists And Not For Kids Under 13, But Still Good
Chon-ny | 07/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you have a reasonably strong feminist tilt, or are buying this for a child under 13, read no further..."Chobits" really isn't for you. If you can keep an open mind and focus on the other main themes explored in this series, then you'll find that most of your time will be spent either watching "Chobits" or waiting for the next volume to come out.Hideki Motosuwa, 18, has worked on a farm all his life, and is shattered to find out that he was rejected from the college of his choice. He decides to go to the big city and enroll in a Yobikou or Cram School (similar to Kaplan Prep or Princeton Review programs) to get into school. The first thing that catches his eye is the popular Persocon phenomenon--nearly everyone he sees when he first steps into the city has one form or another of human-looking robot companions (the jutting ear/headpieces being the only way to identify them). Sadly for farm-boy Hideki, they cost an exorbitant amount of money. Still, nearly everyone has one (they're equivalent to the popularity of cell phones for us), and he continues to want one.Leave it to wishful thinking to have Hideki find a near-naked Persocon lying in the trash by his apartment complex. He takes her home and (here comes the PG-13/Feminist Beware part) activates it by pressing in what is quite a special spot. She comes to life but with one flaw: she can only say the word "Chi." Through the various friends he makes in this first disc--landlady Hibya, neighbor and classmate Shinbo (and his adorable mini-mobile Persocon Sumomo), as well as Persocon expert/child genius Minoru (and his own Persocon Yuzuki)--Hideki finds that his Persocon (soon to be named "Chi") is running without an operating system or learning software, with processing speeds of nearly infinite capacity. Shinbo and Minoru theorize on what Chi could be: a Chobits, a legendary series of Persocons that, above all their unique abilities, can exercise free will.The series continues as such; Hideki juggling school, a part-time job, teaching Chi words and manners, while everyone attempts to find out 1) if Chi is indeed a Chobits, 2) who made her, 3) what her full capabilities are. Several subplots include a mysterious e-mailer sending photos and clues of what appears to be Chi; a series of fairy tale books that hooks Chi, and seem oddly to relate to Hideki and her situation. Thematically, "Chobits" puts forth reasonably deep questions regarding identity: what is it to be human? What is it to be a Persocon? And can love cross those boundaries? There is a mid-sized pool of characters in "Chobits," each with their own experiences regarding love and Persocons, as well as two powerful, independent-minded Persocons named Dita and Jima, the former seemingly bent on finding and stopping Chi.The art is great; Japanese animators have become so extremely skilled as to seamlessly integrate computer graphics and effects into the drawings, as well as easily use various lighting and multi-layering techniques. "Chobits" features a very active camera that constantly changes angles, zooms in and out, and appropriately get blurry or sharp. The soundtrack includes one of the catchiest opening and ending themes; not since "Cowboy Bebop" has the "adventurous/comedic" music been so appropriately used, and not since "Rurouni Kenshin" has a melancholy piano instrumental been used so perfectly to evoke sadness. The Japanese vocals for Chi and Sumomo better match their images than the English dubs, the only significant vocal difference.The PG-13 issue...There is no flat out nudity or even excessive swearing or violence, but "Chobits" certainly doesn't lack for adult topics. Kidnapping, adultery, pornography and inappropriate touches are all covered in "Chobits." Thankfully, the computer jargon isn't overwhelming; computer illiterates won't falter since the main character (Hideki) is himself quite a naive dolt when it comes to those things.The feminist issue...This is a series that more likely than not would cause a walkout if it were played on Oprah or The View. Persocons are almost exclusively female in "Chobits," and not once in the 26-episode series, other than Jimma (who appears in the last 1/4 of the series), is a male Persocon brought in as a major character, although you can oftentimes glimpse male persocons in the background. Chi is *extremely* submissive--everything she does is "to make Hideki happy." Minoru's Victoria's Secret-clad maids and Sumomo's genie outfit will certainly raise eyebrows as well. But to counter, several female characters do play key, empowered parts: Shimizu the teacher, fierce Persocon Dita, as well as the flipside to landlady Hibya's identity. On a more open-minded level, "Chobits" is more concerned with the ideas of love and devotion for those you care for. For each of Chi's submissive actions is a life-risking display by Hideki as well.No giant robots, no major sword and kung fu fights; still, "Chobits" is highly watchable for its unique atmosphere, a mystery unfolded at just the right pace, and the eye-candy art. You can forward through three "recap"-type episodes: one in the middle, the second to last one, and parts of the last episode, all of which merely play montages of what had happened in the series. Highly recommended for most all anime fans."
Funny and at times touching (educational too!)
jpchindi | Toledo, OH United States | 03/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very funny and enjoyable series. Chi is probably the most kawaii non-child character I've seen in 20+ years of watching anime. If I had to rank the "maid" series that have been released in the U.S. it would be: 1 - Chobits, 2 - Mahoromatic, 3 - Kurumi, 4 - Handmaid May.The Official Amazon reviewer labels it as sexist and, superficially, it is. However, the only really passive female in the story are the Persocoms (e.g. Person(al) Computers) who are programmed that way. The human females are not particularly passive for anime. The only real idiot is the guy, Hideki. Considering that Chi starts out intellectually/emotionally as essentially an amnesiac child with a one-word vocabulary ("Chi") - no wonder she's rather passive - she makes significant strides throughout the series. In fact, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the story as we watch her develop social skills and her own needs and desires. The first few episodes serve as a sort of primer on Japanese, as Hideki teaches Chi greetings, names of common objects, and such.There is some ecchi content (I would rate this somewhere between PG-13 and R - there's more naughtiness than outright sexuality) but I otherwise highly recommend this series."
Clamp's Newest
Carl Cheng | Sunnyvale, CA USA | 03/31/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I took a chance on this series by CLAMP (the group that brought you Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, and X, just to name just a few) but don't expect to find the playful, innocent nature that you find in Cardcaptor Sakura because it is more adult themed, thus earning a 16+ ranking from Pioneer.A little background on the story from what you just know from the first volume. In a more advanced present day, Hideki Motosuwa (the main male character) decides to move to Tokyo from the countryside to study to get into college as he was rejected this year. He is amazed by the vast technology that surrounds him as Persocoms (short for personal computer or "person on computer") are roaming the streets with the public. These persocoms are not the desktops that you have in your houses; these are all in the form of people, toys, or animals. Just to his luck, he finds Chi lying in the trash. Now, all this happens with not-so-subtle adult jokes. I was a little turned off by this but the fact that there was no direct nudity or need to accentuate anything like that put me more at ease. So the real thing that was perverted in a sense is the jokes or gestures, which both I can handle and put aside to enjoy the show. If you are a little skeptical, then try to watch a few episodes beforehand to see if you would want to buy it instead.Next, the packaging is simply breathtaking. Oddly enough, Pioneer packed in a limited supply of a Chobits stationary set. It looks like a cosmetic case (in pink and white) but within has a letter opener, pencil, eraser, and scissors. As many companies are now releasing box sets with their releases, it seems to have lost its value as they are plainer than others but this one is easily an exception. The top is very simple (which I think it should be) with just a picture of Sumomo (Hideki's friend's Persocom). On the back of the box is a very nice picture of Hideki and Chi outside a window on a sunny day. It's very refreshing. One side of the box shows a very beautiful picture of Chi in a pink dress with red ribbons watching the cherry blossoms blow away from her hand. On the other side, there are three darker characters surrounding Chi, in pink, in the center. This really works well as it accents Chi as the pink is brighter than the surrounding black of the other characters. One of the darker characters looks like a darker Chi while the other two haven't been revealed yet. This makes me eager to watch more as it seems the light-hearted nature that was seen in the first volume will change to a darker, deeper, tone. On the packaging of the DVD, Pioneer decided to use a hand-drawn manga (Japanese comic) picture of Chi sitting and smiling atop a telephone pole. While I am sometimes iffy about using manga art for DVD volumes, as they are separate things in ways, this works out really well. The colors are vibrant, yet also subtle. It creates a very refreshing scene. The back does well with listing the volume number and episode titles. Being a dork, I notice the fonts and that its variety is nice and style works well with the technological theme of the show.Another thing that this release amazed me with was the amazing quality of the animation on DVD. Lines were so crisp and clear and the backgrounds were subtle and did very well with supporting the characters in the scenes. The sound quality is also very nice.Final Note: I am still worried about the fact that companies are cutting down on episodes per DVD on more popular titles. This release is going to span seven volumes, when it could just as easily fit six. With the variety of releases nowadays, it is harder to buy all that you want to so it would be easier if the companies helped out in that aspect. But on another note, I'm happy with the packaging. I hope for the same quality from other companies and for Pioneer to step up another notch and wow me again. I look forward to this release to unfold the mystery of Chi and "Chobits.""