Chinese Super Ninja 2
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is the Hong Kong version of an exploitation movie that mixes in some kung fu fights. When the ladies are wearing their red ninja costumes, the fights are serious, but when they are not, the viewer is treated to training sequences in modern bikinis, mud wrestling and oil wrestling scenes. The movie is set during the Japanese invasion of China, but the clothes, cars and hair styles are modern. The villians put a comic-book-superhero touch to the film. The head kung fu villian has a spider tatoo instead of hair, and the others wear colorful costumes and have gimmicks, like a spider web to trap their foes.The dvd is full screen, but manages to avoid the "empty screen" effect of people talking but no one is on the screen. The fights are affected as some action takes place off screen. The print is fairly clear, but has scratches and blemishes that show up now and again. It is dubbed in English using the funny voices that indicate cheap dubbing.If you are interested in cheap exploitation films, then this one is watchable. If you are looking for women showing off martial arts skills, you should look elsewhere."