This DVD represents a rare collection of films made by outstanding producers such as Encyclopedia Britannica and the famed Stapp, Thomas and Wade trio. The central theme these films moot is the significance of recreation i... more »n shaping one's life. Lessons to be learn are, playing is not only fun but also beneficial, the world would be a better place if we had more playgrounds and better recreational facilities especially at night, the best time to learn good behavior is while playing, and summer camps are fun! The footage on children playing in the snow generates nostalgia and takes you back some years if you are, like me, someone who has seen fifty winters or more. You will find yourself nodding in agreement to the persuasive arguments presented in favor of the need for more recreational facilities by the Sponsors of "A Chance To Play" (General Electrical Company). Naturally, GEC stood to benefit, but the point is well made. The footage on the summer camp is lively and exhaustive in its coverage of what went on at the camp. Lively narration and musical score make up for the black and white footage used in three of the four clips. "Enjoyable and educational" is how I would describe the DVD in a nutshell.« less