In the 1870s, pregnant Rebecca (Kelly Preston) and her husband are on their way across the West when they stop at a trading post. Her husband's naivete (and his prized Henry rifle) soon leads to his death at the hands of... more » a ruthless buffalo hunter, and the proprietor of the trading post (Dan Haggerty) is killed as well. Cheyenne warrior chief Hawk (Pato Hoffman) is wounded in the fight with the buffalo hunter, and Rebecca helps nurse him back to health again, opting to stay at the trading post rather than go along with Hawk. Hawk returns to his tribe, but comes back to the post when Rebecca's baby is due (undoubtedly having figured out the date and put it in his Palm Pilot). Together they form a strange sort of love-hate affair and learn to get around their cultural differences, at the cost of Hawk's affiliation with his own people. There are problems with the script and direction of this movie; for instance, the baby sort of disappears for a prolonged period, and Rebecca seems to get over her husband's death within days. Still, there is the spectacular Colorado (?) scenery and considerable attention to period detail in clothing, weapons, etc. Pato Hoffman is excellent as the Cheyenne Hawk; why isn't this actor better known? --Jerry Renshaw« less
Marguerite | Milton Keynes, Bucks England | 01/27/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Cheyenne Warrior is a beautiful love story with humour and heart-stopping moments. Pato Hoffman is simply gorgeous and Kelly Preston, whilst struggling with some daft dialogue at times, can still manage to portray emotion in the right places most of the time. ( Note I put Mr Hoffman first - he deserves it!)
A feel-good film that I put on the TV on a grey, rainy day whilst snuggling down into a comfy sofa with a large glass of wine to alternately cry or sigh into! Knowing the ultimate, desperate fate that awaits the Cheyenne of this era there must surely be material there for a subsequent film on Hawk? Especially in this time of renewed interest in the injustices perpetrated against those people?
Buy this film and watch it when you're on your own and don't have to succumb to pressure to agree it's corny ... it's just an old-fashioned love story - enjoy!!"
Why are there not more A.Native films on DVD?
christine bradley | Cambridge,UK | 03/31/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is so exciting and the DVD is full of interesting details about the making of the film, where and how it is made and the details about the disputes over the script were fascinating-I would be giving it away if I told you what they were. Pato Hoffman was perfect as the vibrant cheyenne warrior chief Hawk, where has he been all my life ? Where is he acting now, as I cannot get Naturally Native and The Sentinel on DVD ? I have now bought Geronimo and Wild Bull to see him in action but it would be great to get more recent details of where he can be found as his fan website seems out of action.
This film is great value and has the sexiest actor I have seen in a long time."
Cheyenne Warrior - great movie
Marguerite | 09/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just a quick note to say that I thought this was a wonderful movie. It was entertaining and believable at the same time. I admit I had to break out the tissues at the end. I also really enjoyed the producers/directors' commentary on the DVD. Usually I find them boring, but this one held my attention and I found myself wanting to ask questions about some of their comments.I have since either rented or purchased all of Pato Hoffmann's other works that I have been able to find."
Hart warming Performance ..Excellent Portrayal of life.
Gary L. Sego | Rio Rancho, New Mexico | 12/21/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This 1870's Epic of the American Frontier, was excellently scripted and well directed not to mention the superlative performances This heart warming tale of two people from two different worlds,Loosing almost all that is Near and Dear to them, fall in love, a different yet realistic twist in dealing with RUNAWAY PASSIONS OF THE HEART. Pato Hoffman's Performance cemented this classic into my video library."
Cheyenne warrior
kamillow | 02/17/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Like the other reviewers, I believe Pato Hoffman deserved top billing. His interaction with Kelly Preston created great chemistry. I believed they should have devoted more time in the movie toward the development of their relationship. Pato Hoffman's character development was great. He played a native american who displyed humor, kindness, great character as well as someone the viewer could relate to. I was disappointed that the people writing the script chose to take the "safe" way out & have Kelly Preston leave Hawk at the end. I think it should have ended with them staying together - unless they decide to do a sequel. In that case, they could have Hawk going to see her & renewing the relationship."