The wheels come off the C&C fun machine.
L. M. Fuke | Silicon Valley, CA | 01/22/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Movie rates 1 star; DVD transfer rates 3 stars.
I was a big fan of C&C, and their first two movies were some of the funniest of the era. Unfortunately, it appears the "empty suits" running the studios thought they could do humor better that Cheech and Chong.
This movie really proves that a central plot is vital for any film. Our boys find themselves in Amsterdam and basically are pushed through a series of disjointed sub-plots, actually sight gags, that are non-original and decidedly unfunny. Cheech and Chong are the funny elements in their movies; here, they are nothing but witnesses to silliness. The unconnected nature of the gags leave you wondering what the heck is going on.
Sad to say, the C&C heyday is over. Why take them out of So. California? Better than any comedians filming So. California, C&C knew their turf; a lot of their humor came as spoofs of the 1970's SoCal culture. If you love the boys, skip this movie.
Note added May 2010: I have just learned that Tommy Chong was compelled to desert America in order to escape a drug charge. The charges were subsequently dropped. However, this news does not change my opinion of this turkey movie. It lacks C&C's trademark originality."
Acceptable movie
Miguel Murillo Cordero | Alajuela, Costa Rica | 06/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I got to admit it is not the best movie from these guys.
Lucky for me that I friend of mine bought from me. Didn't like very much..."