NICE DREAMS - it rhymes with ice creams. And that's what Cheech and Chong are selling in this thoroughly wacky comedy. The outrageous, permanently spaced-out duo sells enough of their "specially mixed" ice cream to take th... more »e cash and realize their fondest dreams: new guitars, islands in the sun and beautiful women. But, of course, not everything goes as planned. While celebrating their wealth in anew wave Chinese restaurant, Cheech meets his long-lost love Donna (Evelyn Guerrero), and promptly escorts her to her posh penthouse. He soon learns, however, that Donna's boyfriend, an ex-con named Animal (Michael Masters), is on his way to her boudoir. Meanwhile, Chong has unwittingly exchanged all their money for a worthless bank check - and the only way to get it back is to escape into a nearby insane asylum.« less
"Cheech and Chong look like they had a lot of fun filming "Nice Dreams" with their comedic friends. I've seen it at least ten times and I still find something I missed during previous viewings. I always laugh when I see the redheaded Chicken Man, or Cheech scooting around a padded cell in a straight jacket asking for someone to relieve an itch, and especially Michael Winslow's Jimi Hendrix routine. Don't expect a real plot and you won't be disappointed."
Hey Columbia, Where's the %$&$#!! features?!?
Marc Lahn | Southern New Jersey, USA | 06/23/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm giving this 4 stars because I love Cheech & Chong. Nice Dreams, in my opinion, is the third best C&C movie. Up In Smoke('78) being the best followed by Next Movie('80.) "Nice Dreams" is enjoyable (I can't believe it's been 20 years since I saw it in the theatre as a teenager.) The "Save The Whales" song is great. I've always loved Tommy Chong's guitar riffs and I love it when they do these little songs in the middle of scenes. After an enjoyable start, the movie slows down a bit but picks up for a funny second half. The movie gives off a very *cool* feeling with it's "pot growing" scenes. My beef here is with Columbia Tri-Star (come to think of it, they should change their name to *COLUMBIAN Tri-Star* for the Cheech & Chong flicks) Seriously though, my problem is that there are NO FEATURES to speak of on this DVD. I WAS pleased to see that there was a picture disc and choice of format(including anamorphic widescreen) but NOT ONE REAL FEATURE. They even dupe you on the back of the DVD by stating "bonus trailers"; implying that there are extra trailers *ALONG WITH* the NICE DREAMS trailer. NO DICE... THERE IS NO "NICE DREAMS" trailer (only two others.) What the hell is the big deal for these movie companies to give us a few features for these older movies?!? To me, features are much more important on an older movie (for nostalgia sake at least!) than on some new movie that's been promoted into the ground anyway! Here's an idea for "NICE DREAMS" or "CHRISTINE" or "THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH" or any of the other older movies that have been given the shaft, features wise:1. Theatrical Trailer (ALWAYS start with this; having no trailer is like having no thermos in a lunch box.)2. nostalgic features like TV commercials, old interviews, poster art etc. (for me, this kinda stuff is VERY important.)3. Deleted Scenes (bring 'em on!...good or bad.)4. a nice featurette (which includes original *cast members* *looking back* on the film, not *producers boring us to tears* with location and technical troubles.5. Finally, audio comm. is always a bonus.I know what you're saying, "NICE DREAMS" isn't worth all that. Well, I say "If you're GOING to release something on DVD, FILL UP THE DAMNED SPACE!" Make it FUN to BUY! Let us feel like we spent our money WISELY. DVD IS MEANT FOR THIS. **CELEBRATE the film, don't BARE-BONE it like it was a reissued VIDEO TAPE!Paramount did a decent job with "Up In Smoke." I can only *hope* that Universal does a good jod with "Cheech & Chong's Next Movie"....but I'm not holding my breath."
Nice Movie
Brad | 06/29/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Why this C&C film is always rated as the "2nd or 3rd best C&C movie" by most reviewing it is beyond me! It is a must-own if you are a fan of C&C (the big "3" any ways), and could possibly be their finest.The "Hamburger Man," "Big Sticks ice cream treats," "Save the Whales," Stacey Keach, Paul Reubens, and more pot than you can shake a stick at make this one an empitamizing Cheech and Chong adventure, for anyone with a good sense of humor."
Meandering fun
Kenneth Burns | Madison, Wisconsin | 12/11/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hard to believe this came out during the Reagan administration. Here, nevertheless, is one of the last gasps of the counterculture, and if it is not as tightly plotted (if that is the right word) as the auteurs' Up In Smoke, neither is it as ploddingly episodic as Next Movie and Still Smokin', their other films of note. (Of Things Are Tough All Over and The Corsican Brothers, the less said the better.) There actually is something resembling a story here: the boys amass a fortune selling marijuana and, in the final act's surprise twist, they lose it. Along their picaresque way they encounter unlikely scenarios and people--people including, but not limited to, Paul Reubens, Sandra Bernhard and Dr. Timothy Leary.
Not all of the gags hit their target, at least to viewers who are not themselves on drugs, but the beauty of unsuccessful drug jokes is that they do not so much bomb as waft away. Director Chong is no Bergman, but he does present us with sights I do not recall seeing anywhere else: a nude Cheech clings desperately to a glass elevator's exterior; a panicked Cheech backstrokes desperately atop a subterreanean pot farm disguised as a swimming pool; an extraordinarily mellow Stacy Keach slowly turns into a lizard.
Plot elements and set-pieces aside, what stays with this reviewer are images of the comedians wandering serenely through a splendid cannabis plantation. They stroll amid the greenery and gently argue about something or other, as quiet country-rock murmurs on the soundtrack. If Cheech and Chong's prior movies were about the sleaziness of the drug scene, this one is about the sylvan beauty of marijuana farms--even if the farms are concealed somewhere in suburban Southern California. There was plenty to worry about in 1981, of course, but this film reminds us that some people were less worried than others."
More like C&C
Cory | Kotzebue, Alaska United States | 10/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Nice Dreams comes in 2nd behind Up In Smoke, in my opinion. The innocent, goofy demeanor of Cheech and Chong are better portrayed in Nice Dreams than in Next Movie. One complaint I have, is they left Sgt. Stedanko out of the main plot. I think it added alot more humor to the story when he was an uptight, though incompetent, police Sargeant in hot pursuit of Cheech and Chong along with his numbskull officers. Though brain-dead things like Chong cashing a check for the Hamburger Dude with NON NEGOTIABLE stamped across the front made it worthwhile."