Curious peak at early Cher
Brett D. Cullum | Houston, TX United States | 08/29/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is Cher's PURPLE RAIN - sort of a semibiography that lets Cher play herself struggling through some hard times. She plays the lead character who runs the whole movie from one situation to the next until we finally get to see what she is running from in a pretty effective final breakdown sequence. It was a flop on its release, and it's still pretty much a midnight worthy cult film without too much you could call great cinema. But it is a peak at pre-plastic surgery Cher, and surprisingly you get the idea that yes there is a star in there.
I was disappointed that all you get is a widescreen transfer of the film and a trailer. Mono soundtrack too. But the curious will be vindicated, and yes this is at least the R-rated version since there are a couple of fleeting scenes of Cher in the buff. But no sex scenes to be found.
CHASTITY will not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is an interesting film. Not as bad as some would lead you to believe. It's about a troubled girl who runs away, and just keeps going. The music is very strong. There are some really funny lines as well. And it's a total trip! The price is pretty low as well."
Not as bad as some might think
Thomas F. Musser | portland maine | 05/22/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"i wanted so bad to see this movie when it opened in dallas texas where i was living when it opened in 1969. however it was rated R at the time and i was only 16. in those days they carded kids at theaters so i never got to see it. as the years went by i tried time and again to see it. never could find it on the shelves of video stores. i had heard cher and sonny both talk about how bad this movie was. i have read reviews from people who saw it and called it bad. i am here to say.. it ain't so bad. its a big try by sonny bono to make cher a movie star. it did not work. i think for several rwasons. one he was too close to the subject matter and to cher herself.two, he backed away from what ideas he had orginally for this movie in fear it would be too controversial. i had no trouble watching this movie. i liked it. i got the end idea of what he was trying to say and do. i think the movie has alot to say on a deep level. it deals with a subject matter that sonny was very brave to bring up at the time. cher lights up the screen. she gives a good performance for her 1st time out in doing drama. she needed a better director and a screen writer.. sonny.. who would stick to his guns on what he was trying to say. i liked the film. i did not think it as great. but it was good. i am very happy i bought this movie. after all these years i finally got to judge for myself whether or not it was as bad as its producer said it was. i say no it was not. i say good try sonny bono."
Cher is a knock out in her first feature film!
Debbie Sidman | boca raton,fl | 10/13/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got this DVD yesterday and i absolutely love this movie.Cher is so young and she did a great job for her first dramatic role.Chastity is very wise with the way she makes money for herself.In one scene chastity pretends that her father owns a gas station and she fills up somebodys tank and checks the car and she charges 5 dollars and runs off with it. she is always off running away because of something and you don't know what it is until the end when she's hearing her mom and dad's voice in her head and their yelling at each other and you eventually find out that she was abused as a child by hearing her mom yell at her dad about it and it won't stop so she runs away from the man that she loved because she didn't want what happened to her as a child to happen again.It is a dramatic,enjoyable,movie that should be more appreciated by others."