A Pleasant Entry In The More-Of-The Same Catagory.
4-Legged Defender | ATL. GA. | 02/20/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"All WIP flix, no matter WHICH country produces them, have the EXACT same storyline, so why would this one be any different? Some poor babe goes to jail (whether guilty or innocent is immaterial), is subjected to various forms of abuse, torture and humiliation, there are obligatory public shower scenes and mandatory lesbian encounters, the looser/smarter ones are screwing the guards for 'special' treatment and, at some point, someone plots an escape attempt that usually goes afoul. I hate to say it, but this is why we LOVE them! They appeal to the remaining cro-magnon gene cells left in us now that we can no longer beat women over the head w/ clubs and drag them back to our caves, not without becoming part of our own chain gangs, that is... This one is a decent entry to tried and true exploitation entertainment if you`re in the mood to kick back w/ a few friends, pound a few beers and indulge in mindless drinking games when the above scenarios occur. Or have a few chuckles by your pitiful self, as I frequently do. Either way, the current crop of these flix coming out of Asia is a distinct throwback/homage to the 'Female Prisoner Scorpion' series from the early 70`s w/ the incomparable Meiko Kaji, so if you`re into them, we`re choirmates..."