Uh oh
Erich Loehr | 01/18/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It appears as if the C'est la Vie (HK film) reviews are linked to some insipid europop act. So for the benefit of those looking for a film review I will say this: Imagine a room full of grown men (and a few women) crying because of a film. That is what Anita Yuen did to us. Simply put it is a tear-jerker kind of film but done in a humanistic unglossy kind of way only Hong Kong could pull off. I guess that is the benefits of still being a fledgling industry is that you can get away with sentimental and nobudget films without looking cheap; it just looks honest instead. suffice to say I liked it and still think Anita Yuen is one of the best things since swiss cheese."
Love story with a difference
hikayat | 06/02/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's a love story with a little melodrama and a tragedy. And like most love stories, the plot is fairly transparent. However, what differentiates this movie from the run-of-the-mill romances are the strong performances of the leads, a well written script and lovely supporting characters. The film isn't merely about love, it's about life and living life in a positive way. It doesn't really dwell too much on melodrama or tragedy, instead prefering to concentrate on hope and living life.Loosely, the plot is about a angry music composer, Kit, who is unable to make it in the commercial world because of his "principles." He breaks up with his superstar girlfriend and moves to a poorer part of town where he meets Min, her family and members of the Chinese opera troupe that Min is a part of. Kit rediscovers his love for his craft not only from his interaction with the positive-thinking-live-live-to-the-fullest Min but also from the members of the opera troupe. Their closeness and their passion for a dying craft helps Kit in his search for meaning.I loved it that director Derek Yee let many of the street perfoming scences run. He just lets them sing. Music plays an integral part in this film. One of the loveliest scenes is the one where Kit jams with the Uncle and a Filipino band in Min's house.I recommend this film and if you like it, I suggest watching the HK "Lost and Found." Another tale of hope in the face of tragedy with a lot less melodrama than most."
A remarkable love story
Liang Han Zhang | Canton, CHINA | 12/21/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The movie is excellent, the only thing make me frustrated is the DVD video and sound quality, not that satisfied as I expected. Hope next new release will be better."