Unconscious People "don't get it"
M. Thomson | Los Angeles, CA | 11/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You must have your mind WIDE OPEN to be able to approach the topic of crop circles. Those of you serious enough about the topic already know that. I personally know several of the researchers interviewed on this two disk set, and I have also personally been out into the fields (in England) with these researchers. Suffice it to say the armchair quarterback who gave his one star review lives in the same unconscious and close minded world that inflicts much of our planet. Martin Keitel did some really great work with this and is do date one of my favorite vids related to crop circles. If you are looking for History Channel / Scifi Channel canned spam drivel then go elsewhere. If you want the real people and the real deal, then Martin has captured as much of that as you can get on a DVD without actually going out into the fields yourself and talking to some of these fascinating people!
Misleading hype
Lucius | northeast | 05/14/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Disc 1 - "They Are All Real" - is a tripe filled exercise in positing humans as the only agent for the creation of crop circles. All circles are the result of human activity. The "logic" goes like this: No other known entity exists capable of making a crop circle. It is a fact that some circles are made by humans. Ergo, humans make the crop circles.
"Researcher and author" Simeon Hein opines that the human agent seemed preposterous ("For the longest time I didn't actually think humans could make it...."), but after no doubt extensive investigations Dr. Hein determined that, lo and behold! human hoaxers were behind the phenomenon. But then, wait! he also says that crop circles are an "advanced form of technology" whose effects - such a as a measurable alternating current within the circle - cannot be explained. Which only leaves us with the mystery as to how humans can create electric fields with wood, rope and barley.
Then Dr. Hein shows a page in a book and notes that the circle makers "found the book" and recreated the patterns "intuitively." Circle making humans are thus expressing some "transcendent unknown." Yeech. This obfuscating phraseology is disingenuous at best, misleading at worse. Again, the "logic" seems to be: A crop circle appears, its pattern can be geometrically analyzed and reproduced, ergo, it is a human creation. In sum, according to Dr. Hein, "There is a blend of things. There is the natural phenomenon and there are people who are making the designs...." Natural phenomenon? What natural phenomenon accounts for fractal geometric patterns in crops? Which only goes to show that having a PhD does not necessarily imply superior intelligence.
One purpose of this documentary is to demonstrate that the "sons" of Doug and Dave are carrying on with "childish graffiti" in the fields. The other is simply to make one scratch one's head. To wit: "artist and researcher" Martin Keitel (the mastermind behind this documentary), posits that crop circles are created by human consciousnesses from the future transferred into balls of plasma that "travel into the past to make crop circles." Further, according to Mr. Keitel, in regard to a specific circle, "What should have happened was that these people [the plasma ball consciousnesses from the future] while they were making the crop circle during the night were taken to a parallel reality....and the crop circle was not visible, but then somehow revealed in the afternoon when nobody was watching." Got that? At last, the secret to how crop circles are made. My own feeling is that Mr. Keitel has read too much science fiction and should start wearing an aluminum foil hat to block the transmissions from other dimensions.
Disc 2 - "Conduit Closing" is a tad more interesting because it deals with the fractal geometry and "cosmic" significance of the patterns, not on who made them. But the weirdness doesn't go away. A group of meditators agree on a specific pattern. They visualize it for 20 minutes. Then, lo and behold! a crop circle reproducing their design shows up in a field a couple of days later. Amazing! Somehow, if you think about something it will become manifest in reality. [I'm thinking of a stack of thousand dollar bills.....] So crop circles happen because human will and consciousness, one may surmise, influences time traveling humans from the future appearing as balls of light that somehow unbeknownst to anyone make the patterns in crop.
The only interesting person in the entire two discs is Jay Goldner who has found in one specific formation (the alien face with adjacent circle of digital code) a basic geometric relationship to the slope of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Goldner also finds in crop circle formations "3D fractal hexagrams" that represent "an energy grid behind the physical universe...and the crop circles are using [or mimicking] these geometric structures on the physical level....They show us, in fact, the physical structure..." that underlies the structure of the cosmos. A knowledge known to the builders of the Pyramids and revealed in the designs of crop circles. ET phone home, dude.