A DVD with a running time of almost 2 hours features 13 new Celtic Thunder performances! Since March 2008, Celtic Thunder has spent over 45 weeks at the top of the Billboard World Music Charts, knocking themselves off t... more »he number 1 spot with their second CD "Celtic Thunder Act II." Now after scanning close to 400K units and playing to over 200,000 people on their second North American Tour Celtic Thunder presents Take Me Home (filmed at Casino Rama in Ontario, Canada on April 21st '09) an all new show on CD and DVD. The event features almost all new material with only three of the most popular songs from the original Celtic Thunder pledge show included. The new songs are dynamic and exciting. Damian (a foot and a half taller with a new deeper voice) has great new songs in "Happy Birthday Sweet 16" and "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" and would give a young Neil Sedaka or Frankie Vallie a run for his money! Ryan's dark destroyer character develops well with a rendition of Sting's "Every Breath You Take", George's personality and sense of humour comes to the fore in "500 Miles", a highlight in the show and Paul's performance of "You Raise Me Up" is not to be missed. Keith, the blonde surfer heart-throb is set to steal more hearts with "Castles in the Air" accompanying himself on the guitar. The guys come together for both "Working Man" and "Take Me Home", as ever their voices even more powerful in these ensemble songs, and in the harmony pieces. "Danny's Boy" A Cappella, has been included due to popular demand after their performance on 5th Ave for "St Patrick's Day" and performing it at the White House that night - the highlight of their success in the USA. Also Available: A new studio CD that features 15 songs/14 never before on CD!« less
Romantic Fiction Addict | Los Angeles, CA | 07/26/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, many of the reviews here either pre-date the DVD release, or refer just to the group themselves, not this DVD. Which can be misleading to someone considering this purchase. I'm going to just address the Take Me Home DVD.
The guys sound great on the DVD (unquestionably live this time 'round) and are just as cute and talented as ever, though I do have some issues with this set. Damian needs more mature songs to go with his more mature voice, and Keith fans will be disappointed that he sings nothing new here (the only one who doesn't. And I'm not counting Castles in the Air, since it was included in the Act II cd). The Take Me Home cd has two new Keith songs, which for some reason don't make it into the show. The CD may be more worth your money, as it consists of all new songs, plus a new version of Steal Away, that you do hear on the DVD. As others have said, this DVD seems to just recycle a lot of songs from the first DVD, which is disappointing.
But none of that bothers me as much as the AWFUL production value of the DVD. It looks like someone from a college video class made it. Crazy camera angles, unnecessary zooms, shaky-cam to the point of vomit-cam a couple of times. Bad lighting, strange crowd shots, and even my DVD menu didn't work. I can't do anything in the Song Selection on the main menu. It keeps looping and looping. I have to play the first song, stop, hit menu, and THEN I can select a particular song. At the end of the DVD, if I hit stop, it won't, and then after it plays out on it's own, I again get booted back to the Song Selection menu, which still won't let me select a song. Anyone else having this problem? It is just another example of how this DVD was shoddily made in an effort to cash in quickly on the Lad's popularity. It is insulting to them and their fans.
So, to sum up, Celtic Thunder, the group, get 5 stars. Celtic Thunder, Take Me Home, the DVD, gets a 0. If you are a CT fan, as I am, you'll get this anyway (or even pre-ordered it like me, whaaa) but just be prepared that it is nowhere near as nicely done as the first one."
Loved it! Loved them! A great performance!
Sierra Rose | Rayland, OH | 06/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After seeing the PBS performance I can say this DVD is recommended to all Celtic Thunder fans or those who are new to the group and looking for a wonderful new group. Each member can put on a show alone when they do a solo but when they sing together it's a powerful thing that no one should miss. I can't wait for this DVD release."
T. Riley | Rocky Mountains | 08/19/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First off, let me start out by saying that I LOVE, LOVE Celtic Thunder. I'm a devoted fan. I own their first DVD, as well as their CD, and I've practically worn both out from playing them so many times.
This DVD, however, was a big disappointment in so many ways that it's hard to even know where to begin. For one thing, it was mostly the same material from the first DVD. Same set, same blue lighting, same choreography, and with far too few exceptions, the same songs.
In fact, when the DVD started, and the camera began panning that stone, blue-lit set, with the same thunder sound effects, and the same voice intoning the speech about the "sound of drums" from Celtic Thunder's debut DVD, I actually hit the pause button so I could look at the case again. I though I had accidentally purchased a copy of the debut DVD that I already own.
I'd have even been willing to tolerate all the repetition if there had been some great bonus material. New interviews or profiles of the performers. Footage of their homes and families. Candid behind-the-scenes stuff. Scenes from their tour. Anything. But this DVD doesn't have a single bonus feature.
But, by far, the worst part of this new DVD is how tired and unenthusiastic the guys seem. Their hearts aren't in their performances. There's none of the spark and fire and excitement of the original. It's sorely lacking that energy that made them so appealing in their first DVD.
Ryan looks thin and haggard. His eyes keep darting around, and he's missing his trademark intensity.
Keith seems tired and apathetic. He looks like he's done this show one time too many (or a hundred times too many). It's like watching a little boy who's being forced to stand in a wedding.
And poor Damien...he's obviously moved from childhood into young adulthood in this DVD, but he's forced to do songs that are way too young for him and for his new, deep voice. Let the boy move on to more grown-up material!
Even the musicians seem bored, listless, and tired.
Only George and Paul seem to be having any fun, although even in them, you can sense some weariness.
The only time they all seem to be genuinely smiling and happy is at the end of the very last song. It's like they're relieved the show is finally over!
Other complaints: Poor camera work. Lots of times the camera was in and out of focus. Strange shots and angles. Bad editing. Very amateurish.
Hopefully, Celtic Thunder's next DVD will have new material, new sets, slicker production, and a more enthusiastic feel. Watching this one was like eating lukewarm leftovers.
Overall, just a big disappointment. The only reason I gave this two stars instead of one is because I love these guys, and I feel that they deserved better than this shoddy, rehashed, rushed DVD production. It could have been done a million times better.
Bottom Line: Don't waste your money on this one. But DO buy Celtic Thunder's debut DVD! The original was fantastic!"
A Big Disappointment
Richard F. Daley | Oregon Desert | 10/23/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Loved the guys in the first video, but this one was MUCH lower quality. I've done a bit of video production--so I looked with a very careful eye. As I watched I kept asking myself over and over, why did they do that shot or make that transition? Didn't have any answer. Video production not very good. Then there was the audio quality. Mediocre at best. The content was mostly the same songs as on their first video.
The boys seemed flat and tired. As I understand it, they were in the middle of a tour when this was shot as a live concert. They must have been too tired and needed a break from the tour.
Finally, Damien who was the real star of their first video was about 16 when this was shot. When he matures a bit more, his voice will be amazing. When he was younger it was amazing. Right now, it isn't. A number of times his rich, now deep voice broke and crackled. No real problem on his part--that is a normal part of being 16. He may be a bit embarrassed when he gets older to listen to himself sing here. It looked as though every time he began singing, he had to pause a moment and realize that the voice he heard was actually his. Also, he like the rest of the boys was tired and listless while performing.
I understand they recently shot a new video earlier this month (October, 2009). Save your money for the release of that video, If you don't have their earlier video, get it NOW. Pass on this one."
Don't know what to say ...
CAMW | 08/29/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I went wild for the first Celtic Thunder DVD, and I was unbearably disappointed in this one. George lost his dignity, Keith looked like he'd rather be anywhere else, Ryan looks like he's lost a ton of weight, Damien's voice has changed and is lovely - but I prefer the younger version, and Paul was the only one who looked like he was having fun. There is way too much American folk and pop rock in it. You buy something "Celtic" you expect to hear Irish and Scots tunes. The delivery of the music is what it always is with these guys - amazing."