An extreme adventure tour group descends into an abandoned mine. They prepare for rock slides, black outs, cave-ins -- whatever might threaten their journey. What they're not prepared for is the gravest danger of all -- a ... more »silent, swift killer long hidden in the cavernous earth.« less
"SCIFI CHANNEL's at it again with this minor piece of entertainment, nothing great, but not horrible either. We start in 1948 and a mining supervisor orders his crew to work overtime to clear some rocks that are blocking a passageway. One guy refuses and gets into fisticuffs knocking the supervisor into the rocks and lo and behold, the passageway is cleared. Inside, AHHH, a fortune in emeralds and beetles..not John Paul George and Ringo either...but great big vicious killer beetles. A cavein ensues and we flash forward to present day where the descendant of the pugilistic miner has the map that leads to the emeralds and he'll do anything to get them! That includes forcing BLUE LAGOON's Christopher Atkins to lead him and Colm Meany and crew in spite of the killer bugs. It's all been done before but at least they use beetles which is a little original, and the effects are above average. A decent timewaster for those predisposed to giant bug movies."
Mom kicks butt
Music lover in Omaha | Omaha, Ne | 12/08/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, this was not a very good movie, but it had some redeeming qualities. Mom with a pump action shot gun was nothing less than a super hero. I mean she was awesome and when she started blasting away, you almost had to feel sorry for the poor defenseless 6 foot long killer beetles. Then there was the kind of humorous part where every time mom blasted a beetle, its guts splattered all over the cute little blonde spoiled daughter. The little brother was an idiot. Dad was a little on the naive side too. The bad guys tried to act tough but were pretty incompetent. And how did all the lights and the elevator work in this abandoned mine fifty years later? It's a good thing they did because the explorers brought almost no equipment. Huh? Well the bottom line is, this movie is watchable, laughable and not the worst way to kill a couple hours if you like Sci Fi channel caliber movies. I do, so I was okay with it. Man, mom was good with that shotgun!!!"
So bad that is was good
Rick L. Bearfield | US | 08/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen bad movies before and this was one of the best bad movie that I have ever seen. In other words, if you like bad movies, movies with plot holes and stupid graphics this is one for you."
I have seen way worse! So I cant give it 1 star
sinisterfiend666 | the master of Horror | 05/29/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I have been around the B-horror movie block enough to tell you that they can get way worse than this movie. At least we have a clean crisp picture, a little gut mutilation, with an unoriginal, yet attention drawing story line. That is all the good I have to say about it though. Now on to the cheese and everything else: What we have here folks is a movie that has a "made for tv quality" feel to it with a lot of bad FX. They used the cheapest computer graphics they could possibly get to invent a swam of giant mutant stag beetles (which in reality are only capable if pinching you and they prefer to eat fruit...but what the heck) They live in a mine that has giant emeralds in the same room as nest, and so the story goes: greedy crooks, hire a friendly cave tour guide and his nice family who soon get tangled into their "get rich quick "scheme. Slowly. Characters (mainly the bad guys) get picked off by the (harmless) stag beetles. At some point you will stop caring because you know how the movie is going to end, and there are no surprises along the way. Everything was "as expected" The acting ranged from ok to terrible. The FX did as well. You will find you self laughing now and than at the acting and the splatter. Let me give you a visual: shot gun blows up beetle, green slime gets thrown on girls hair repeatedly! There is also lack of unique death scenes in this movie. You pretty much see the same stuff over and over again. Disembowelment is only cool the first time you see it!
Verdict. If you are REALLY bored and you like those old Sci-Fi movies that you find late at night on the old USA channel, or Sci-Fi channel, than maybe you, never mind, just skip it anyway"
Trevor Merris | Carmicheal, CA USA | 05/31/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Sci-Fi Channel be damned. i never thought they could ever produce a film worth purchasing, but they have. a truly entertaining and original bug movie.
A local is con'd out of his home so that miners can dig in his land for riches. what they find are giant beetles with a thirst for human flesh. meanwhile a family of adventurers move in to the area and begin a cave diving tour. they are soon contracted by mercenaries hoping to find out what happened to the mine unaware of the giant beetles below. they decend into the caves and are shut in by a quake leaving them stranded in a cave with man-eaters. The wife and daughter are on the surface and are quickly under siege from the flesh eating bugs. they must find a way, both those on the surface and those below, to stop the pissed off bugs before its to late.
Now the sci-fi channel usually has a 2 million or less budget for thier films and usualy do okey with the budget but really bad in total. this is one of the few films that proves that mix-up. The CG beetles are not bad looking and can pass off as shiny giant bugs most of the time. The acting is minimal at most but has some good backup from christopher atkins and colm meaney of DS9."