Cat & The Bat
DarkKnightRocker | Texas | 12/02/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As I've heard via a source I'll not disclose yet.., says this version of Batman Returns is a long awaited directors cut (not the version in the box set already available). Story has it this was the version filmed at the time when the powers that be decided this version had too many things they didn't want on the screen. So for a long time now this version has been in the can collecting dust on some studio shelf. I myself can't wait to see this version as this would be the version that was intended to be on the big screen, I hope other Bat fans will pick it up. I know that this version being released will coincide with Batman Begins hitting the big screen summer 2005. Also keep watching for a directors cut of Batman 89' the other michael Keaton Batman movie it should be out sometime early/middle 2005 on dvd."