Meet the coolest Cats in the criminal underworld in this edgy and funny satire on modern life. Times are tough for the mice living in Cat City. But they have a plan: a scientist has created a powerful weapon to shrink cats... more » down to mice-sized. If the plan works, Cat City will become Mouseville.« less
"I saw the original version in Hungarian when I was a teenager and loved the movie very much. THe review above says it's a bad james bond movie from the 70's and 80's. Well, don't forget that the cartoon was made in the 80's. If all the fun is lost in the English version, maybe the English script writers should be blamed. I am looking forward to seeing it again."
Brilliant Cartoon From Hungary
Ilona Hegedus | Hungary | 08/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Cat City is the greatest achievement of Hungarian animators. It has an action-packed storyline with plenty of humour. This cartoon, Cat City is now a cult classic and an often quoted one. That's not without a reason. The dialogues are brilliantly written and are hilarious, and the characters are likeable.
The original title (Macskafogo) means literally Cat-catcher. According to the story, the cats are planning the extermination of all mice from the planet. However, the mice have a superhero to turn to, a James Bond-like mouse with great physical strength, teeth hard like diamonds, a god sense of humor, and the cleverness of an Einstein.
He is sent to a Japanese-seeming city called Pokio, to get the plans of a new weapon from a mouse scientist. While he is working undercover the mice need another person to draw attention away from him, and this other mouse is also sent to Japan. He is a bit over-weight, but he is a very warm-hearted mouse, who devotes all his time to playing his trumpet. (Unfortunately, though, after a planecrash, he finds himself in the jungle, where he is kidnapped by vampire bats, who also turn out to be music lovers.)
In the meantime, a group of assassin rats are hired to find the mouse agent and kill him.
The cartoon makes use of many clichés of Hollywood movies, making the reader laugh again and again."
Great animated story, last time I checked (circa 1989)
D. Moroz | Brooklyn, New York | 03/31/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a Russian (for a change!) who had seen the translated version of this flick probably 10 times (damn, it was a long time ago). It used to be immensely popular in Russia back in the day, and certain phrases from the translation made it to the street folklore. I haven't seen the English version yet I remember it as a lots-a-fun film. I'm going to get the English version DVD just for old times sake."
The editorial
leda_bb | NY, USA | 11/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"review reminds me of a headline from The Onion: 79 Percent Of Americans Missing The Point Entirely. Unless the translation is really bad, it is one of the best cartoons ever made. At least as funny as Shrek."
Macskafogo - a must see
Enci | England | 08/26/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a bilingual hungarian and have seen Macskafogo countless times. I haven't seen the english version yet but i am sure that it will never reach the hungarian level of humor or the use of the tone of voice, simply because it was written in hungarian for hungarians who are able understand the password to the mouse base for that matter and appreciate the cleverness behind it, which goes like this: egy aprocska kalapocska, benne csacska macska mocska. roughly means: a tiny hat, in it the filth of a silly cat. See the difference?
i do believe though that it will be worth watching in english and i look forward to it.Every time i watched it i had a great time and just couldn't get away from the telly. The characters' voices are impossible to copy, best solution would be watching it with english subtitles. Enjoy it. :)"