CARRY ON UP THE KHYBER: Perhaps the finest moment from the Carry On team... India, 1895 and the British colonials rule. The natives are ready to revolt, prevented from acting only by fear of Britains famous Devils in Skirt... more »s, the Scottish regiment protecting the Khyber Pass. When Private Widdle endangers their image, the Khasi of Kalibar (Kenneth Williams) seizes the occasion to ignite a revolt. Somehow, the Skirts honor must be re-established, but how? RT: 88 min, Color, 1.78:1/16x9 Anamorphic, NR, 1968 CARRY ON DOCTOR: Doctor Tinkle (Kenneth Williams) presides over the wards at Borough County Hospital, where patients, doctors and nurses alike all harbor hidden passions for each other. His stern demeanor is disrupted by the arrival of Nurse Sandra May (Barbara Windsor), a young woman from his past who raises the blood pressure of the entire male hospital population. His underhand plots with the matron (Hattie Jacques) to dismiss one of the more popular doctors inspire, of all things, a patients revolt! The gags and laughter fly in this raucous comedy. RT: 94 min, Color, 1.75:1/Letterboxed, PG, 1967« less