Currently Available DVDs (16)2003 - The Animatrix 2003 - The Matrix/The Matrix Revisited 2001 - Memento 2001 - Red Planet 1999 - The Matrix The Bye Bye Man (Blu-ray + DVD)
| Currently Unavailable DVDs (39)2013 - Compulsion 2013 - Knife Fight 2012 - Fireflies in the Garden 2011 - Chocolat (Blu-ray) 2010 - Unthinkable 2010 - Unthinkable (Blu-ray) 2009 - Memento 2008 - Normal 2007 - Fido 2007 - Disturbia (HD DVD) 2007 - The Complete Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix/ The Matrix Reloaded/ The Matrix Revolutions) 2007 - The Ultimate Matrix Collection (HD DVD) 2005 - Toughguy 2004 - The Soft Kill 2003 - Snatch / Memento / Dogma (Special Edition) 2002 - Memento / Snatch (Limited Edition) 2002 - Memento (Widescreen Two-Disc Limited Edition) 2002 - Memento Dogma 2002 - Memento / Following 2001 - The Crew 2000 - New Blood The Matrix Reloaded (HD DVD) Chocolat Elephant Song Matrix UMD for (PSP) POMPEII (Rental Ready) The Matrix / The Matrix Revisited (The Gold Edition) The Bye Bye Man (DVD) Marvel's Jessica Jones The Complete Season 1