2 of the worlds most dangerous speicies
brownie | 01/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i rented this a lot when i was a little kid cause i was a die hard dino fanatic!just now i am realizing how many fake effects it takes to screw in a light bulb.this review is short cause i can't remember the entire story,but to make a long story short,i'm just gonna say this,the dino effects are cheap,just the way i like'em."
"Greetings Green Brother!" Chomp!
brownie | ca | 09/28/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Carnosaur is a very unique movie, one that is very hard to describe. ...I think I'll start from the beginning... O.k. I first rented Roger Cormans Carnosaur when I was 7. BIG mistake. I realize now that I only made it 20 minutes into the movie, then freaked out and turned it off.(It was a rental.) The gore and violence is way to much for kids,(the jeep scene is really violent) yet alone a 7 year old second grader. But (now having bought the movie to see what scared me so much almost 7 years ago), I realize that the movie is not scary at all, just gory, violent, over-the-top, etc. etc. (I actually recommended this movie for ages 13 and up.) Most of the movie has an extremly dark tone, with government officials huddled in dimmly-lit rooms, qaurentines, and dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are the only part of the film that aren't dark, and are what make the film worth watching.(Oh, and Clint Eastwoods fantastic diner scene.) Well actually there is one more thing. In one part, the main character(Rapheal Sbarge, playing a drunken night guard), is talking to his hippie friend(Jennifer Runyon, whose name is "Thrush") and he tells her to get in the car, because It's to dangerous to be walking around the desert in the middle of the night, and she says no. So since she's a hippie, he tells her to get in the car now or else he's going to drive around aimlessly for a few hours wasting gas and oil, polluting the planet, and that he'd most likely hit a rabbit or some other small animal too. I was cracking up, along with the scece where a Carnosaur sneaks up on a hippie that's tied himself to a tractor(you know how hippies are) and wakes up to see the dinosaur, only to say "Greetings green brother!"(with the peace sign and everything, seriously he looked drunk!), and get his face ripped off. Basically the dinosaur scenes are effective (and not to mention hilarious). There is this other scene where 2 workers are getting revenge on the Carnosaur by hunting him down in a truck, and the Carnosaur jumps on the truck and kills them,(seriously it's funnier than it sounds). I only give this movie 4 stars because Diane Ladd ruins this movie! The movie's plot is centered around her too!!! Augh! She plays a sientest, Dr. Jane Tiptree, who creates a virus that effects women by making them birth dinosaurs. Actuallty, only Carnosaurs. Also, she has cloned dinosaurs from chickens, and sets her Carnosaur loose on the town. Woman don't birth Carnosaurs until 35 minutes into the movie, and then the film goes seriously downhill. The first 35 minutes is actually pretty good, and is basically the Carnosaur attacking the town. The rest of the movie (43 minutes) is TERRIBLE! (I'm glad this is a shorter movie!) It's just Diane Ladd going on, and on, and on!! She makes the movie BORING! I had to do something I almost NEVER do in a movie: skip ahead!!!! And the birthing scenes are just disgusting! There is a limit folks! There is only one good scene worth watching in those 43 minutes: when the main charecters battle the Carnosaur with a tractor. It's actually pretty cool! The movie's sequels are Carnosaur II,Carnosaur 3: Primal Species, and Raptor. But after that comes the lamest ending ever... So, in the end, the first half-hour or so is really good and is highly recommended(A!), but sadly the rest of the movie is dull a grade(F). Put them together (the first half stands out, that's why the grade is slightly higher than what you would normally average) for a grade B-."