Cardiopump Fusion is a hybrid blend of Power Yoga, Bootcamp, Kickboxing, Plyometrics, and Sports Drills. There are also two kettlebell chapters. Cardio Kettlebell features traditional kettlebell exercises, and provides a l... more »ower body blast. Kettlebell Crank features advanced kettlebell exercises, and delivers full body conditioning. Finish these intense workouts with the restorative yoga-derived Relaxation Bliss cool-down. TOTAL DVD LENGTH: Approx 75-minutes. Cardiopump Fusion is a chaptered DVD. The breakdown is as follows: Introduction: 3-minutes, Power Yoga warm-up: 11-minutes, Fusion workout: 23-minutes, Cardio Kettlebell: 12-minutes, Kettlebell Crank: 11-minutes, Relaxation Bliss cool-down: 10-minutes, Credits: 1-minute. Put a fork in your stale workout and open your mind to an alternative where you can have it all: a change, a challenge, and a total body metamorphosis.« less