Fire and Ice! The Fiery Card interrupts Sakura's trip to the winter carnival and proves to be Sakura's biggest challenge yet! Meanwhile, "magical cards" that look like the Clow have become the rage at school, but when Sa... more »kura goes to buy one, she senses a real Clow Card in the store - the Shot Card. Then, the new school term starts and Sakura is elated to meet her new teacher. However, before she can settle in, the Snow Card buries the town in snow; will Sakura lose her precious presents?! CardCaptors Vol. 5 - Firestorm« less
"As I scroll down the list of reviews, I see that most of the people hate Nelvana and the whole Cardcaptor scene. I mean, I LOVED this video. It contained the BEST 4 episodes of Cardcaptors. I mean, I KNOW that 99.9% of the people here hating Nelvana but liking CLAMP's original version never would know about Cardcaptors unless Nelvana dubbed it."
Anime you and your kids can enjoy.................
Anthony Colon | ASTORIA, NEW YORK USA | 07/28/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am an avid fan of anime. ... Card Captors is a series that is geared for kids, but can be enjoyed by adults as well. I find that watching this series is a nice change from the regular anime I usually watch and it allows me to enjoy it with my daughter. I recommend this series to any parent who enjoys anime, or even those who do not."
The cut and uncut version are equally good!
Kitty | New york | 11/03/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Cardcaptors and cardcaptor sakura are equally good. The uncut version is aiming for older people 13+ and nelvanas cut version is aiming for aroung 12 yr olds. The voices are brilliant on the cut and im not so sure about the uncut voices.
Hope you find the cut and uncut version of cardcaptors equally good!! Although the original has more friendship, emotions and more of a plot."
Best Of The Best
Cory Marohnic | USA | 07/09/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Action Packed Movie Is Based On 3 Episodes Called 1. The Third Element 2. Buyer Beware 3. Stormy Weather This Is A Must SEE Movie Its A Great Video And It Comes Out On July 10."
This tape is top best-selling product here, but guess what?
Suppi-chan | at Nelvana Corporation, causing kamikaze. | 10/21/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Cardcaptors originally came from Japan, a light-hearted, wonderful show called Cardcaptor Sakura. Cardcaptors is the very mutilatelated version of it. No, this isn't another rant. It's only purpose is to inform. The original is MUCH better. I do realize it's very expensive but well worth the money! At least see the first tape. The subtitles are accurate and easy to read. And all of the episodes are in order unlike Cadrcaptors. What strikes me as funny is that this is a best-selling product but this tape contains some of the most mutilated episodes. Shot Card episode: Had over 6 minutes cut from it, the focus of the episode changed, 2 minutes of added footage from a 'flashback' (Which was not there originally.) of the Jump Card ep, and numerous changes, such as Sakura cooking koroke (fried potato) with her dad has become 'dumplings'. Often Nelvana will change lines or food because they don't like showing culture. Sometimes they will paint over Japanese writing. One of the worst episodes. I'm not going to review each episode, but take note, there are so many pointless changes that it's pathetic."