Sakura starts the fifth grade on a high note with a beautiful new teacher, Ka ho, and a precious birthday gift from Yukito. However, the Clow Cards make sure to remind her that she still has her duty as CardCaptor in add... more »ition to her schoolwork. The Snow Ca rd's storm, the Voice Card's theft of Tomoyo's voice, and the Lock Card's attack on her sc hool field trip are just a few of the problems she has to deal with. Not an easy task whe n she's home sick with a high fever, but without Sakura, how can the Cloud Card be capture d?« less
"This is probably the best they have released so far in the CCS series, it is so cute, cute, CUTE! My eyes were glazed over and I was practically drooling over the cuteness!! I've been collecting CCS and Marmalade Boy on and off, and if before I favored Marmalade Boy, now I favor Cardcaptor Sakura! It is so worth it to buy this DVD, the opening credits and ending theme songs are adorable! By goodness this even surpasses "Totoro" in the cute story-line meter!
If you have kids, buy it. If you don't buy it. Even if your like me, and in high school, by golly buy it! It's awesome clean structured art is even better than old shoujo favorites "Sailor Moon" and "Revolutionary Girl Utena" (at least in my opinion) and after seeing and having a few other subs of CCS I definetely suggest you'd buy it over the dubbed, which like they say, doesn't do any justice whatsoever to the anime... anyway now I must go, I've lost all intelligence to it's cuteness and need to read something so I don't suffocate from "Cute" noises and smiles..."
The magic continues
Kat | 07/12/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The tenth installment in this CLAMP-inspired series moves us to the beginning of the second broadcast season, giving viewers new opening and closing songs. While Anza's "Tobira wo akete" is less effective in the TV version than in the full CD release, it is still a rousing opener, while Chihiro's soft, moody "Honey" is perhaps the finest closing theme of the TV series. The DVD provides regular opening sequences for each show, and, as a bonus, a track showing the opening without credits or subtitles.The quality of the transfer to DVD is much improved. In previous installments, figures visibly broke up into black-and-white lines in between frames during moments of action, but no such distortion is visible in this installment. As before, the sound quality and subtitling are excellent.The only drawback is that this set of adventures contains at least two "filler" episodes that don't really go anywhere in the overall story arc. "Tomoyo's Lost Voice" is largely a vehicle for presenting a new song by Junko Iwao, "Tomo e" (To my friend), while the "Fun Strawberry Picking Adventure" conspicuously follows most of the "cheesy horror plot" rules. (There's a mysterious room with a door that sticks shut? Oh, fine! Let's wait until it opens of its own accord, go inside, and shut it behind us!)Still, CCS addicts will not hesitate to get this. Even in the weaker episodes, we pick up the hints of an emerging Sakura/Syaoran romance, and the Touya/Yukito relationship also becomes tighter and more relevant. And the close to "Snowy New School Term," with Syaoran silently glaring at Kaho, who has interrupted his intimate moment with Sakura, is one of the strongest endings of the entire series.Not the best place to start watching CCS, nor a set of classic episodes (we'll need to get closer to the end of season 2 for that). But a fine continuation with improved DVD quality."
Simply wonderful!
Delighted Smores | IL, USA | 08/25/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yet another wonderful volume! I love the episodes in this one. I LOVE them! Along with the catchy new theme song, the animation is great and so is the subtitling!
Sakura starts a new school year with a new teacher...hmmmm, wonder who...then Tomoyo loses her voice right before her competion! Time to go strawberry pickin' with...hey! How'd Yukito get here?! Then Sakura's sick! But what about the Clow Card...
I am seriously adicted to this series. I have been collecting these for a while and I'm delighted to relize each new episode is better than the last one. You can just sence the tension rising between Shaoran and Sakura...A great show exploding with cuteness! (Of course, I like cuteness but not everyone does...) Simply wonderful!"
It's all right! Daijobu, daijobu, daijobu!!!
Kat | 08/05/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, I think the opening theme is enough reason to buy this!^_^ OK, now to more important things...The beautiful artwork of CCS continues! But now, we are taken into a much darker mood. It's still cute cuz it's still Sakura-chan, however, the episodes here are all done very specially. If you saw the last DVD, you noticed how mysteriouse things got, right. Well, this is the continuation.First, Sakura gets a watch from Yukito as a birthday present and for entering the fifth grade! Their new teacher happens to be Mizuki! Talk about a coincidence. "There is something very beautiful falling outside. Before it piles up too much." How did she know the SNOW card was going to bury the town- and in April! And how did she know that the lost watch was Sakura's? Tomoyo is practicing for the singing competiotion, but when the VOICE card takes her voice away, Sakura has too truelly prove her friendship for what it really is. A very touching episode. But Mizuki warned Sakura that Tomoyo might need her soon. Could it be a coincidense? But there's no such thing, remember?Yay! The class is going to a strawberry picking! Yukito and Toya happen to be working part time, too! Sakura would do anything to give Yukito her home made strawberry desert, but the door to the storehouse where they are made is LOCKed! It seems Mizuki has the answere. But how on earth did she know that Sakura's magic key would open lock? How did she know she had it to begin with?And we end with a true test of friendship. Sakura is at home with a fever and it's up to Meiling to help out when the CLOUD card shows up!This collection is just awesome, however the sad music is kind of creeping me out. Also, unlike the first season where only Catch you, catch me plays in the background, these episodes introduce at least five new songs including Prism, Sakura's image song. And what did Kero mean by "...but that means you'll see 'HIM' as well"? We all know, don't we? Only two more DVD's until we find out! You have to see the opening theme! Awesome!"
Delighted Smores | 12/20/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
""WOW" is the only word I can use to discribe this. It is my very first DVD of CCS (yes I'm a long time fan of the dub, which is my point). I've been watching a butchered series and acctually liking it! I now see what the true story line is about. SNOW, VOICE, LOCK, and CLOUD are the cards highlighted on this DVD. VOICE and LOCK are not in the dub, why? don't ask me. Anyway this is worth the money if you ask me. If you'd prefer the charactors speaking in your oun language, nothing is stopping you from buying the dub, but if you want to see some REAL anime, I'm begging you, BUY THE SUB!!!"