Sakura, lead with your heart! The Sword card takes control of Sakura's friend and attacks! Still, Sakura is able to use her head and her heart to save everyone. Next, Sakura discovers her mother was best friends with To... more »moyo's mom, and learns important lessons about friendship. However, none of these lessons prepares Sakura or Li for the challenge of the Time card. How can you battle something that can turn back time? Card Captor Sakura Vol 3 - Friends Forever (Episodes 9, 10, 11 & 12) Collectable postcard inside! (While supplies last.) Unedited, Japanese language release of Cardcaptors (as seen on the Kids WB). Contains episodes exclusive to the Home Video Market!« less
"Many things are revealed in this volume, especially concerning relationships - Li's reasons for running away from Yukito in the pervious volume are shown, the relationship (and something of a love triangle) of Sakura's parents and Tomoyo's mother is detailed, and there are some priceless moments contained here... While the episodes on this volume aren't as "action packed" as the ones on some of the other volumes, this volume develops the characters very well and is quite appealing. The art continues to be above average for a TV series, the music is suiting and cute, and the seiyuu (voice actors) are really top-of-the-line, especially Sakura Tange, who plays Sakura Kinomoto. If you're a Cardcaptor Sakura fan, you owe it to yourself to buy this! If you've only seen that Cardcaptors junk on TV, then you're in for a real treat if you buy this, as this product is *far* superior to what they air on TV."
Continues to impress
Carl Cheng | Sunnyvale, CA USA | 02/23/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Pioneer does really good jobs with these DVDs. The quality can be seen by its clear lines in the previous volumes. The episodes that appear on this volume are:9) Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch (Sword Card) 10) Sakura and the Flower's Athletic Meet (Flower Card) 11) Sakura and Tomoyo's big house (Shield Card) 12) Sakura and the never-ending day (Time Card)Sakura catches a card in each episode. She's slowly coming closer to getting all the cards back. Each of these episodes tell a little more about the pasts of each character. Especially episodes 10 and 11. You learn more about Sakura's mother and about Tomoyo and her mother. Another great DVD that should be in anyone's collection."
Sweet? You betcha!
sylk | USA | 09/18/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just like the two DVDs before it, FRIENDS FOREVER is a wonderful set of episodes. Sakura is just as adorable as ever and we start to see even more of the relationships - Li, for example, along with his interactions with everyone else. After all, he didn't join us until the last episode of the second DVD.On this DVD, Sakura is faced with challenges such as saving the life of her friend while trying to capture the card controlling her and battling a card that turns back time! There are also two adorably sweet episodes that address the relationship between Tomoyo's mother and Sakura's mother and Sakura gets to learn more about the mother she never knew. No shortage of moments to 'Awww' over on this DVD!Also, as a nifty bonus, there's an art gallery in the extras. Included are about 25 pictures of Sakura and her friends - concept drawings showing different poses and facial expressions, along with the occasional battle costume. It's not a whole lot but it's cute to flip through once or twice. Like the rest of my Sakura DVDs though, I buy for the show, not the extras.I was just as thrilled to see this one as I was the previous two - Sakura is still just as darling as ever. The artwork is gorgeous, the voice acting wonderful, and you'll find yourself laughing and smiling in no time."
sylk | 06/30/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Starting you off, you have the sword card. Sakura and her friends buy some pins, Rika buying a sword. She gets possesed and gets the sword. She starts attacking Sakura, thus, she seals it. The second episode includes the Flower Card, and by now we all figured out that both Sakura and Li are oppsessed with Yuki.(So am I) Anyway, It starts raining flower pedals so in broad daylight in front of the planet, Sakura flys up on the roof and seals that card. The next episode is the Shield card. Sakura goes to Tomoya's awsome, incredible house. There is this treaser chest that won't open so Sakura uses the Sword Card to get the Sheild and seals it. The last episode is the Time Card. Sakura lives one day three times, Tomoya's mouth opens but she doesn't talk and it's really weird. So Li and Sakura seal the happy little Time card. The songs "Groovy" and "Catch You Catch Me" are both really cute songs and I LOVE Kero's Check! I hate dubs because the cut half the stuff of. Cardcaptor Sakura is rated 13&up but it is probly ok for 10&up."
One word: GREAT!!!!!
sylk | 06/24/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is more than I have excpected! I have been wating a long time to see these episodes in their original un-dubbed versons for so long! The first of the four episodes is "Sakura and the Mysterious Broach." It is like the dubbed verson, but you can tell the diffrence from them. This one had a LOT cut from it, and I for one am glad to finaly see it for it's true self. Kero-chan is so funny in this one^_^! Clow Card sealed: The Sword. The seconed is "Sakura and the Sports day of Flowers." I wanted to see this episode for a long time. It tells of Sakura's mother, and some of her non-tuched past. It has funny, sad, and heart warming scenes of the love for a family. Sonomi is so funny in this one^_^! Clow Card sealed: The Flower. The 3d episode is "Sakura,Tomoyo(Madison in America), and a Mansion." This has to deal a lot also with the love of family. It shows more of Nadesiko's(Sakura's mother, Natasa in America) and Sonomi's(Tomoyo's mother,don't know American name) past relashunship, and how Nadesiko fell in love with Fugitaka(Sakura's father, Adien in America). Kero-chan is sooooo funny in this one, along with Sonomi^_^! Clow Card sealed: The Shield The fourth, and final one, is "Sakura's Never Ending Day." This has a few things added,(cut things from the Dub) but is revativly the same as the dub, in which we find Sakura in a race aginst time itself, with Kero-chan, and Shoyron(Li in America) being draged along. Once again, Kero-chan is so kawaii!!! Clow Card sealed: The Time. It also has the main theam to both the ending and begining: Groovy" and "Catch You, Catch Me"!!!It also has original ending and opining credets. Sakura is way cute!!She reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake!!!(If you can remember her....-_-') It also has the ending segment "Leave it to Kero-chan" He is so cute in this!!!(And it reminds me to do my chores ^_^') It brought me much injoyment, and I highly recomend it. I give it six stars and three thumbs up ^_~!"