Curiosity is a part of any 10-year-old's life, but Sakura just broke the seal on a magical book and released all of the mischievous spirits imprisoned on the cards inside! Kero, the "Guardian of the Clow Cards" is horrifie... more »d to find all of the cards gone and tells Sakura she must become the "Cardcaptor" and retrieve the spirits before they work their mischief in the world... Volume 1 (contains episodes 1-4)« less
"I must say that nothing beats the real thing when it comes to anime. If you've been watching horrifically edited and altered version of Card Captor Sakura that's broadcasted in the U.S. (even the title's edited to Cardcaptors), or if you're just looking for that next anime title to fill you're growing collection, the UN-altered, UN-edited, UN-Americanized version is something that you shouldn't pass up.With this DVD American audiences and anime fans finally get to see the real program that so many in Japan fell in love with. All the humor and lightheartedness that the edited-Cardcaptors took out is back, including the small end segment "Leave It To Kero-chan!" And of course, Sakura's usual task of helping Kero-chan retrieve all of the missing Clow Cards is there for your enjoyment. The only real problem with this DVD is that it includes the, well I'll be kind, crappy Cardcaptors intro and song. But not to worry, it's safely stowed away in the EXTRAS section of the DVD, so if you want to watch the original intro, you'll see it everytime you start a new episode.Why do I say that people watching Cardcaptors in the U.S. should get this DVD instead of the dubbed version (that's right! Only the subtitled version with the Japanese track is on this DVD! *smile*)? Because with the dubbed version you don't see the original work, the one that was so popular in Japan. What you see instead is a heavily edited and Americanized version that basically tries to take every element of Japanese society out of it. While this reigns true for nearly every dubbed anime title out there, Cardcaptors is by far one of the most prominent examples of this. And why should you die-hard anime fans get it? Well, it's just a really good series that, while yes it is designed for kids, can appeal to nearly everyone if they just sit down and watch it. By just watching the first four episodes contained on this DVD one can see just why this series was so successful in Japan and how enjoyable it actually is. And if you're already a fan of Cardcaptors? Hey, nothing beats the REAL thing."
Finally! The actual title to the anime .
Roger Steinbach | 09/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd is only in Japanese language with English subtitled and uncut as seen on Japanese TV. Orignal opening music "Catch you, catch me" and many great music in Japanese for this anime. For those of you who have not seen it, it is about a girl named Sakura who was curious about book titled "THE CLOW" (it was glowing) in her basement. She opened it, took out a card, say the word "windy", and blew all of the cards out that was in the book. She also woke up the guardian beast named Kerberos that was suppose to guard the cards. I can't spoil the rest of the story. I highly recommend this edition. Kudos to Pioneer for a job well done in releasing this original title. For those of you don't like to watch it in subtitle, you can find the dub version in English titled "Cardcaptor". It is cut and edited for U.S. audience as seen on WB TV."
Any Anime Fan Ought to try at least One Volume
Roger Steinbach | IL USA | 06/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before anything else, a word on the content of the disc: "Cardcaptor Sakura" is a subject of much passion among anime fans, because of the existance of "Cardcaptors". I will refrain from trying to assess and pass judgement on that series here (there are others who do, both in these reviews and on websites, neither of which are hard to find if you want opinions); suffice to say that although CardCaptors is derived from Cardcaptor Sakura, it is not the same program. This disc ("The Clow") is presented completely uncut and unedited, with only the Japanese language track and optional English subtitles. (Hint: the subtitles are hidden under the Extras menu, and are turned off by default.)Now, the review proper. I like Mr. Solomon's characterization of the series as "sweet but never sacchrine", for this is really the heart of the matter. Many anime fans who consider themselves "mature" (or for that matter, if they are male) may be turned off by the focus on elaborate costumes, the relentlessly pink cover, and the fact that most of the cast in this series consists of ten-year-old girls.But, speaking as both a male and someone who watches "mature" anime (Cowboy BeBop, Evangelion, Haibane Renmei come to mind), I implore people who might think these things to stop and reconsider. Despite an outward appearance that may be called "childish", "Sakura" in fact contains a strong and interesting story with strong and interesting characters. Sakura herself manages to be an engaging heroine, while still seeming realstic in her tussles with her own day-to-day affairs.Now, granted, in the world of "Sakura", no plot line (especially on this first disc) ever goes completely beyond the ability of the characters to ensure a happy ending. But at the same time, the anime (the scripts for which were supervised by Ookawa Nanase, the writer of the original manga series) never fails to create tension and suspense even as you're assuring yourself that this show would not let anything truly terrible happen to its inhabitants.There's even reason for those who have faithfully read the "Cardcaptor Sakura" manga to check out this anime--although the basic plot is the same, the actual execution is quite different in both forms. Cards Sakura catches in the manga appear in different orders and are conquered in different ways, and the anime also involves a number of Cards that don't appear in the manga at all.The animation is crisp and bright, and the voice actors do an excellent job all around. But above all, it's next to impossible to watch this series and not feel good. The energy and upbeat personality of the series comes through everywhere, and is thoroughly infectious. Not the simple or even shallow show it may seem at first, Sakura can be enjoyed by anyone of any age, and all fans of anime (and of fun cartoons and good storytelling, for that matter) owe it to themselves to give this series a chance.~"
Yes, the WB Version Doesn't Count
Richly N. Chheuy | Carson, CA | 12/25/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now here comes the REAL Card Captor Sakura. (Card Captors on WB is NOT the same series. And what I mean by that is lots of content was cut in the U.S. version. They also started on on Japanese episode 8, which was not a good idea. Good job Nelvana! Thanks for butchering it and making it "kid-friendly"!) These are the ORIGINAL Japanese episodes. Also regular opening and ending, with the nice little "Leave it to Kero" sketch, in which Kero describes the costume Sakura is wearing in that episode prior to it. The DVD contains few extras, but the four episodes in it make up for the extra shortcomings. If you want to know what the extras, buy the DVD! Find out for yourself. But once you buy it, anime fans and especially CCS fans shouldn't be disappointed. Briefly, for the uneducated, here's how the series starts out. Here we have a normal 10-year-old schoolgirl (aren't they all) who stumbles upon the Clow Book in her father's basement "library". She's innocently opens the book and takes out one of the cards, which was the Windy. She accidently activated it's powers and blew all the cards away, not realizing the damage she has done. Here, she meets Kerberos or "Kero-chan", who looks like a talking stuff animal. He's the supposed guardian beast of the seal. When he realizes the cards are gone, he then concludes that Sakura must recapture the cards and end the coming destruction. Well, is that good enough? Good. The animation is excellent and is done by am all-female group in CLAMP. The animation is done by Madhouse. But most importantly, they have the original personalities. (I can't believe Nelvana and WB changed some of the personalities, especially Tomoyo! (Madison). You'll see what I'm talking about. So anyway, happy viewing!"
"I'm now called Cardcaptor Sakura!"
Elizabeth | USA | 06/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I LUV this volume, even though Shoaron isnt in here, it will show you how it all started and Sakura even dating with her own crush!Ep.1 Sakura and the Mysterious Magical Book
When Sakura comes home from school, she figures out that her brother and her Dad wont be home for a while. When she heard a weird sound in her basement, she looked down there and no one was there untill she found a book. She called out the "Windy" card and scatered all the 51 cards! Keroberoes tells her she needs to capture them all back to save the world from Chaos.
CAPTURED: FLYEp.2 Sakura's Wonderful Friend
I really like this one about her best friend Tomoyo. Shes a great friend and you wished you had her as your friend!
When Sakura relizes that desks are piled up on each other for some strange reason and Kero calls it as being a Clow Card. One thing for sure, she cant do it alone until Tomoyo is with her! But can Sakura tell her about Cardcaptoring? All the clothes and styles that Sakuras and even Kero recieves. Everybodys shadows start to become stolen when it has to have a weakness. Light!
CAPTURED: SHADOWEp.3 Sakuras Heart Racing First Date
O.M.G! It shows Yukito with Sakura going out on a date! Its so Kawaii! They go to the aquarium out on their date. Yukito even waited at the park earlier so he wont be late for their date! But, before they went on the date, some strange whirlpool was at the aquarium when Sakura went on the field trip with her classmates. Sakura needs to figure how she needs to stop it.
CAPTURED: WATERYEp.4 Sakuras Tiring Day
The title gives you an idea. Its because Sakura has to do the chores today when Touya and her Dad is out. Sorry Kero, you will have to help Sakura with it to. Some parts just make me laugh out loud. Sakura found two Clow Cards! But when the phone rang, she didnt have time to sign her name! Thats when things started to become a disaster.