"It's okay if this "review" is taken off soon, but I have to say this to dvd companies: DON'T do volumes of seasons. Do complete seasons. Really. It is POSSIBLE. Other shows do COMPLETE seasons. There is NO reason for this."
M. Burkert | Butler, PA | 04/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Every season of Cannon is beyond excellent. Of all of the crime drama's of this era, this one was definately the best. I had hoped for years that they would release Cannon on DVD, I am glad they did. However, I also think that it's a joke to not have released these as full seasons, double dipping in this economy is just shameful... That being said I will still buy it and be happy to see this wonderful program again after all of these years. If you haven't seen Cannon and "if you can afford it" buy these sets, as you will love this show!"
Cannon - not forgotten
M. Chapman | Iowa, USA | 07/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My complaint about CBS is releasing Cannon in volumes - as in, Season 2, Vol. 1. What is the point of that? Release the entire season! Better yet, why bother with releasing Season 1, Season 2, etc? For those of us who are going to buy Cannon, Mannix or whatever TV crime show from the day, we'll buy the whole entire series if they would only release a box set of it. That's my complaint.
Another Half Season Rip-Off for fans.
Kevin P. | Ohio, USA | 04/15/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I love the Cannon series and William Conrad, but hate these half season "volume" sets. Just another way for the studio to rip-off fans by hitting them twice in the wallet. I refuse to buy them new. I wait for re-sales of nice used sets in the secondary market. These CBS half season sets sell for the price of other studios full season releases of other TV series from the same era. Just no other way to see a reason for it except that the studio wants to hit your pocket twice. What a shame for fans of these classis shows."
Cannon Continues a Winning formula
John C. Hitchen | Berkeley, CA USA | 07/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am happy to say that for those of us who enjoy good old-fashioned one hour 1970's TV crime dramas, William Conrad does it again.Quinn-Martin productions specialized in a quintessential formula for cops and robbers shows-likeable cops and detectives, folksy stereotypes of people in trouble, and lots of nasty poorly dresssed thugs who have no problem killing anyone who gets in their way. The shows are nicely divided into Parts I-IV, and the plot develops at a measured pace. That usually means frequent auto chase scenes on the streets of LA and out to the desert.The cars are huge, and Cannon's is the biggest,a Lincoln coupe with a hood 8 feet long. The fat man moves quickly, in or out of his car, and by Part IV, always solves the crime, and saves the day.The "guest stars" for each episode are highlighted, but most of them apparently never went too far in Hollywood, because I rarely recall their names. The music is bright, brassy, and bold, and adds a nice touch to the show.For those of us who fondly remember the 1970's, when gas was 30 or 40 cents per gallon, when big sedans were still cool, and flashy sportcoats and slacks were everyday dress-Cannon takes you there.If you are too young to remember those days, here is your chance to go back in time 40 years.I look forward to future releases of Cannon, and eventually, its spinoff-Barnaby Jones, featuring Buddy Ebsen as the geriatric detective.I can't wait!"