R. R. Maciaszek | 11/05/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd is decent but if your looking for really insane hardcore action I recommend the CZW:Violent Outbreak dvd instead.
The wrestling is probably better and more focused but still nothing to buy this dvd solely for.
Here's my breakdown of the 4 matches-
Sick Nick Mondo Vs. Trent Acid-Hardcore Championship
-This match is for the Hardcore championship which is basically the equivalent of the TV title as far as I can tell.
-Both wrestlers are very good but their timing in this match is
not very good for who is involved.
A few sick chair spots including the finish.I'd deem it watchable but nothing your going to remember in the long run except for the end spot.
Joker Vs. Cri$ Ca$h-Harcore Ladder Match
-This is probably the best "match" on the dvd.Joker is really great and Cris Cash is not bad at all.
-Some sick moves done on to and from the ladders with once again two in particular being really cool.
The finishing move to end the match is one of the coolest things i've seen and you'll find yourself definately rewinding it over and over.
Nick Gage Vs. Nate Hatred-Tables Match
-These two are CZW regulars and have probably wrestled each other 50 million times.
I'm not real big on either of them and it's mainly due in part to this match.Lots of moves done on chairs if that's your thing.The ending move is pretty cool but nothing you haven't seen before.
Lobo Vs. Zandig-Barbedwire Deathmatch
-The storyline going in to this is that Lobo took control of ownership of the company and fired Zandig who he took it from.
Zandig has been living out of his car up until this match and
from the looks of it he wasn't going hungry or short on the twinkies and is expecting a child.
-If you've seen a barbwire match you know what to expect and this
is not any different.
-Their is one moment in this match were Zandig get's backdropped
on to some lighttubes and has to have his armed taped up.At the end of the match while he's cutting a promo he rips the tape off
and a vein is literally hanging from the bottom of his arm about six inches just dripping blood like a faucet.Really cringe inducing stuff and great to rewind and see the individual audience member's reactions.
-No finish to this match which kind of sucks but it was due to the storyline.
Cool for ppl following them at the time but sucks for the ppl who first see it on dvd.
No extras except for replays of the handful of crazy moves which can be viewed individually in normal or slow-mo.