Let Down
Antonio D. Paolucci | Beaver Falls, PA | 01/17/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I kind of knew that this was eventually going to happen with the Burst Angel series. It was almost inevitable, what with how it started. The pacing of the first two DVDs was so fast that there was nowhere else for it to go but down. I just didn't expect Burst Angel to sink to the depths it did in this volume, more particularly in the third episode.
I'll start, however, with the three good episodes on the volume. The first, the continuation of the final episode of the third disc, finishes up the Osaka story nicely and with no loose ends. From there, it moves onto an episode based in the past, when Meg first meets Jo on the streets of New York. This is perhaps the only episode where the fan-service isn't so blatantly obvious. Skipping the third episode, the fourth episode expands a little bit on Jo's past through quick flashbacks of images, while she must hunt down a Cybot taking residence in a forest where a samurai resides. When you put these three episodes together, it expands a great deal of the history of Burst Angel while moving the story along nicely.
And then, there was episode three, a beach episode.
Fan-service is one of those things that just come with anime of this nature, where female characters dominate. Fan-service is a shameless attempt at holding the viewers attention during less dramatic scenes, and truthfully, it's harmless in most anime. In this episode, though, it gets to the point where shameless is the least powerful word to describe it. The girls may as well have been naked in most of the scenes, because the thin fabric covering them hides nothing, top or bottom. It's an exam in female anatomy, is what it is. Yet without it, the episode would have sunk, because it was as pointless as they come, neither progressing the story nor the characters. It's so bad that Leo, the mechanic, has a little of his own fan-service to offer in the form of a happy-trail. Disturbing...
The third episode ruins the integrity of an anime already on the edge. For a long time, though the fan-service was apart of it, it was held up by its action and top-notch animation and CG. Now that the action has faded somewhat from the episodes and fan-service has taken primary residence, it leaves a bad taste once you finish watching an episode. I'll only recommend this anime to those of you already committed to finishing out the story. The next volume promises to get better, at least story wise, but this volume casts a dark shadow over what had been a decent series."
Gotten kinda boring after volume3
Cheri Taylor | 05/24/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I really gotten kinda board of burst angel i mean theres nothing really different about it, just girls with big guns big robots and partial nudity i gooten board of that and the show started to get really whack, plus they made only 6volums and the best one was volume1 but i really don't care about that volume anymore, so this was an okay series nothing really speacial."