A Grim Political Realism Exclusive, Uncensored Footage of Atrocities Gives Rare Insight Why America Had ?Moral Obligation? to Invade Iraq. After viewing this DVD, Americans will soon have a far better understanding of why... more » it was the United States? unavoidable obligation to invade Iraq. Buried in the Sand: The Deception of America takes an unflinching look at the atrocities at Abu Ghurayb prison in Iraq and across this sand-blown country. Never-before-seen footage obtained from American military personnel, Islamic extremists and other sources put a face ? the face of someone?s parent, spouse, sibling or child ? on the suffering, death and betrayal suffered by an entire society. Buried in the Sand: The Deception of America is hosted by Mark Taylor, a 25-year radio veteran and nationally known political commentator who has been a frequent guest on such prominent and influential shows as The O?Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes and Politically Incorrect, as well as on MSNBC and CNN news broadcasts.« less
Sandra P. from ASHEBORO, NC Reviewed on 8/4/2016...
This is the scariest DVD I have ever seen... It will sober you up quickly to the evil that mankind can stoop to..It is truly an unforgettable DVD... buried in the sand, actualy the title refers to Sadam Husseine, burying people halfway in the sand, and the public then stone the individual til death... he cuts off tongues on the dvd, breaks arms, cuts off surgeons hand, beats til kidneys are destroyed...ETC. Oh yes! The coup de grace is the beheading of 5 men, one of whom is Daniel Perl!! It makes me glad I am Gods' Child, and will never have to experience this..get it!!
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Robert G. (rural631) from SPRINGFIELD, MO Reviewed on 1/29/2011...
Low quality DVD. Not a legitimate documentary. Appears to be a Bush administration right-wing propaganda film. Uses footage of beatings and torture from Saddam's film archives to justify invading Iraq.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Malina L. Reviewed on 7/30/2008...
Ever wonder if we made the right choice to remove Saddam? You'll never ask that question again after seeing this brutal video of what his regime was all about. This is NOT for sensive viewers...only for those wanting to know the TRUTH!!! Semper Fi...Pray for our troops!
2 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Know the Enemy
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 10/14/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While the mainstream media manipulates the news and feeds us the pablum it deems we are capable of assimilating, the footage on this DVD is commonly seen in the Middle East, and while we are watching the latest silly survivor episode, they are watching someone's head being sawed off.
I had always imagined that a razor sharp blade was used...and that it would be quick. Not so; it takes what must seem like an eternity for the victim, with the savage butcher wielding a foot long knife with back and forth motions, all the while chanting "Allah hu Akbar (God is great)". The most wrenching is the murder of 26 year old civilian Nicholas Berg, who screams in agony during this process.
Things to expect:
This is a low budget production.
The video footage is made for the most part by these bloodthirsty savages on hand-held cameras, and taken off the internet or Arabic TV. The poor quality is in a way a blessing, as perfect images of these actions are not needed to know what is going on, and you'd probably lose yesterday's lunch if it was "in living color" and total clarity.
The first episodes are of the cutting off of tongues and hands, and are totally gruesome. These were punishments for theft or infringements of Saddam's "law".
There is war footage of Operation Iraqi Freedom with a fascinating night vision segment, as well as the many awful incidents of car and roadside bombs.
Two of the most horrific episodes are of Palestinian violence: A bus bombing in Jerusalem, with body parts scattered far and wide, and someone's guts hanging from a piece of the bus, and two beautiful Palestinian 11 year-old girls being interviewed, who extol the virtues of going to heaven by blowing one's self up along with as many Jews as one can murder. Their eyes glow with the thought of "shahada", and pop singers sing its glories too.
Abu Ghraib prison: Hoods, panties and Pfc. Lynndie England's leash vs. what went on during Saddam's regime of terror.
Public executions: Stoning to death (not as is depicted in Biblical films at all) and a woman being beheaded for prostitution in Baghdad, thanks to Saddam's high moral standards.
The beheadings by the radical savages, which include Daniel Pearl, whose naïve statement gives the indication that he had no idea who he was really dealing with, or what his fate was to be.
God save us from such naivete. Watch this DVD. Know your enemy and who and what terrorism is, from the vicious zealots themselves, or those that support and harbor them, like Saddam Hussein.
The film is approximately 60 minutes long, and the extras include a Photo Gallery and not much else.
This is a fight for civilization itself, against those that would take us back to the darkest of ages, in a mindset of twisted, insane theology.
In this fight "We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail". George W. Bush (address to the U.S. Congress, September, 2001).
You think US broadcasts have desensitized us to violence ..
Rudolf Spoerer | Weston, FL United States | 10/02/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"well you ain't seen nothing yet till you get your hands on this DVD that is so violent (...)
First, for the purists do not expect 5.1 dolby digital or technicolour, what you really get are basic feeds from home video cameras of killings, beheadings, beatings, bombings etc etc that are TODAY being broadcast by such 'impartial' news organizations as Al Jazeera et al. Almost all videos have the stations logos blanked out ..... Considering the subject you wil understand why the cameras are a little fuzzy, out of focus or shaky ...... but, you'll surely get the picture
Fortunately, or unfortunately, the Saddam Hussein,terrorists groups from Hamas and Al Queada have a propensity for taking their endeavours as being part of their tools to inflict terror. TV broadcasts of these episodes are from what I understand 'must see TV' in the middle east and so are the 30 cent DVD's that are sold and rented at a greater clip than even porn films in Iraq. It is for that reason that this DVD is exceptional since its pretty hard to make any objectively critical opinion about the war in Iraq without really seeing what the locals see.
OK so you get the full clips of beheadings, shootings, bombings, beatings, cutting off of body parts etc etc BUT what I found the most bone chilling and disturbing was a 60 minute style interview of two 11 year old Palestinin girls about a wonderfull prctice of the region called 'shaiada' ... that is the goal of killing oneself for Allah while at the smae time killing as many infidels as possible...... The interviewer asked these girls if they would prefer to live in freedom and happiness or 'shaida' ... it was absolutely CHILLING to actually see the unprompted glowing pride and serene happiness that these two young innocents proclaimed their actual, total and unquestioning preference to suicide and the killing of as many infidels and Jews as possible ....... I knew it exists but you won't see this interviews on CBS ... you have to see this to believe it ..
Of course we also get to see music videos of highly popular singers in the region praising the lives and accomplishments of actual homicide bombers and the joy they spread in the world while seeing the graphic results of their endeavours
There is political commentary, particularily from the likes of Kennedy who has made statements about Abu Gharib being the same or worse under US control ... well this DVD certainly shows us the difference between those two administrations ....
Actually, I found that not too many people will want to see this DVD and I certainly believe that you should give people FAIR WARNING that unlike the fairyland depiction of Iraq and the middle east as in Moore's Farenheit 911 it shows the reality of the terrorists and despots in action today .....
Finally, although the DVD rates 5 stars don't waste your money unless you are prepared for the real life blood and violence depicted in this DVD .....
Required Viewing for all Americans
Matt Tucker | Boston, MA United States | 11/19/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As disturbing as the scenes in this movie are, the viewer is forced to remind himself of one thing: this is real. This does not follow a script, a storyboard, or an agenda like many propaganda films pretending to be documentaries do...this simply shows you the actual video and footage taken by our enemy. This what is shown on al-Jazeera and this is what has become the foundation for these extremists. Our enemy in the war in terror is not a group of "freedom-fighters". Our enemy in Iraq was not a man deserving of respect and room to operate freely. Watch this video and see the original, uncut footage of how these barbaric people live and exercise control. You will see children being taught how to behead younger children, you will see men beaten and crippled for making grammatical errors on TV, you will see women and children tortured for sport...all part of the terrorist creed and the Hussein regime. It is sickening, it is disturbing, and it does make you feel enraged...but America needs to see it. America needs to learn that THIS is the REAL enemy we are at war with right now...not the peace-loving, innocent, freedom fighters so many in the media have portrayed them as. We all need to see this to know just how horrific the people we are trying to protect America from are...
It is also nice to know the producers of this film have vowed to donate all profits from the documentary to benefit families of troops who lost their lives in this war. After seeing Michael Moore make millions on his propaganda campaign, it is nice to see a true documentary, based on facts, that will benefit our troops and their families rather than an unscrupulous movie producer. A classy act by the makers of this film and I applaud them."
The face of the enemy
D. Ciubuc | houston,Tx, USa | 11/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film shows the brutal reality of the people we are fighting and it is very sad that we have in this country individuals living in denial and trying to hide behind political partisanism. After WWII the images of jews slaughtered in Europe look as real as the new ones in this video. We can not continue to be in denial of the islamo-fascism that will do the same thing to all the "infidels" if they are left alone. It is time that America to wake up to reality and I wish that this movie to be shown aside with Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and let the public to decide."
Must Viewing for Humans
Steven Hawks | Ann Arbor, MI USA | 11/19/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's critical to understand the terrorist mindset and what they are capable of. See how life was for the Iraqi people before their liberation and see why it our duty to rid the world of such evil."