"That car you heard fires bullits through the heart!"
Bobby Underwood | Manly NSW, Australia | 01/28/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dating as far back as the silent film era, Bulldog Drummond, looking for mystery and adventure and always finding it, offered movie audiences an entertaining time. Perhaps the most fun came with the "B" series starring John Howard as our hero and lovely Heather Angel as his girl. A fine cast of "B" stalwarts such as H.B. Warner, Reginald Denny, E.E. Clive, and Elizabeth Patterson always kept this series fun.
This one starts off with a bang and moves at a good clip, making it one of the best in the series. A bank robbery Bulldog and Phyllis just happen upon provides the adventure while the real question, as always, was whether Hugh would ever make it to the alter with his cute girl Phyllis! She's given him a ten day ultimatum in this one, or she'll marry another. Can Bulldog manage not to blow his last chance with Phyllis and her skeptical aunt?
A mad painter, a radio holding a secret that Bulldog has sent to Phyllis in France, unknowingly putting her in harm's way, and a fine bad guy in Eduardo Cianelli make it nearly, but not quite impossible. This is definitely one of the more entertaining entries in the "B" series. James Hogan's snappy direction and a swift moving screenplay from Garnett Weston and Stuart Palmer give this one lots of zip.
A great ending wraps up everything nicely and gives audiences what they've been waiting for from the beginning: a chance for cute little Heather Angel and our hero John Howard to tie the knot! Fans of "B" films and series will find this one extremely enjoyable. Great fun!"