IN GERMAN WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES Alexander Bukow is a veteran cop who doesn't mind working at the edge of the law to get results. Katrin König has a sterling reputation as an analyst and profiler and is esteemed by al... more »l who know her for her assessments and concentrated professionalism. Bukow knows the town where they work, Rostock, like his own backyard and he should; it's where he grew up. He has contacts on every corner and can be charming enough to wrap friends and enemies around his finger, but never reveals much about himself. He's also got a life outside the job and is married with two small children. For König, the job is her life, which is how she became such an accomplished criminal profiler. She's a strait-laced control freak and all too aware of her partner's seedy past and questionable allegiances. Despite, or perhaps because of their differences, they make a successful crime-fighting team - when they're not fighting each other.
This set includes episodes 6-9 SILENCE, FISHERMEN'S WAR, BETWEEN WORLDS, CRAZY IN LOVE« less