Quite a bit better than the first DVD
Steven Myers | SF Bay Area | 12/17/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the second Bubblegum Crisis 2040 DVD, containing episodes 5 through 8 of the 26 episode TV series. This outing of the female vigilantes known as the Knight Sabers is significantly better than the previous volume. As with the previous disc, the show has numerous well-executed action sequences, a somewhat-slowly developing overall plot (the stories thus far are episodic, but we see bits and pieces of what's going on in the larger world), and a good bit of humor. What was lacking in the first volume was sympathetic characters. That has changed somewhat here: the past of Sylia, leader of the Knight Sabers, is explored, and it is far from happy (although a bit too cliche in its angst). Priss, who previously seemed almost autistic, finally interacts with people in a meaningful (if bitchy) way. Finally, the other two Knight Sabers, Nene and Linna, seem like they're destined to become good friends. All in all, much better and more engrossing. This volume leaves you really wanting to see more; the first disc had more of a so-so feeling. The only problem to note here is some noise in the MPEG encoding--some smooth lines occasionally become blocky. It never gets too bad, and is not distracting unless you're picky about absolutely perfect video quality."
It grows on you...
quietapocalypse | Akron, OH USA | 08/09/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This series is starting to grow on me. I gave the first disc three stars, but this one gets four.Why? The characters have started to develop, and they're deeper than they originally appear.For example, we start to get hints of Sylia's past, and witness some increasingly severe mood swings from her, for reasons that are as yet unclear. (Sylia also wears her hardsuit for the first time in the series.) The episodes also introduce Mackey, Sylia's younger brother. There are hints that Mackey is not what he appears, which adds to the intrigue. We also learn some interesting things about Mason, who is having an affair with a boomer, yet somehow seems to hate boomers.As with the first disc, the video and sound quality are very good, and although the dub is mostly accurate, I can't seem to get into the English voices (especially Nene's). As with the first disc (and most anime for that matter), I recommend watching it in Japanese (with subtitles if you need them) first.In summary, if you hated the first disc, you won't like this one any better; if you thought the first disc was "ok" (like me) this disc may get you interested in the rest of the series. (If you loved the first volume, why are you reading this? Just buy it already!)"
Elle-P | Chicago IL | 07/22/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The second installment of the bubblegum crisis series cranks up the heat. First up Genom the evil corporation uses the A.D police to try to capture the Knight Sabers, when Priss, Lina and Nene get trapped Sylia is forced to suit up to rescue her allies. Also a mysterious young boy named Mackey shows up, Sylia claims its her brother but she's obviously lying. Meanwhile Leon tries to flirt with Priss and just comes off as smarmy. Also Priss resents Mackys friendship with Nigel. I like the fact that the characters aren't a bunch of goody two shoes, in particular Sylia she has good intentions but she has an explosive temper and can be very moody, but it's obvious she's a good person. Personally i'm okay with watching the episodes in their english versions,except for FIREBALL which focuses a lot on Priss and her horrible nonsensical singing, so put in the ear plugs!! The DvD has 4 great action packed episodes which is very reasonable. EP"
The characters get deeper as the action gets more frantic
Spirit Wolf | 11/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After a bit of a slow start, the series warms up in these episodes. We're delivered another four episodes, and while still not anything special, the series remains enjoyable, with a nice element of mystery.First up we have a great two-parter in which the Knight Sabers are lured into a trap involving the AD Police and one massive Boomer. This exciting pair of episodes sees the onscreen debut of Sylia's hardsuit. The other two episodes are short rogue boomer encounters - it's fairly episodic.Despite being episodic, there's little threads running through each episode that hint at a larger plot. For instance, Sylia's brother Mackey arrives, and while he's perfectly normal at first glance, the show somehow makes things seem really awkward, giving the viewer the feeling that there's something here they're not being told. This is something this show does excellently.At this point in the series, I wasn't completely hooked, but all the little hints and mysteries urged me to buy the next volume to investigate. A good set of episodes in a promising series."