"it's what you do with what you are"
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 06/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bruce Wilkinson's books have had a tremendous impact on my life (especially "Set Apart"), and I find his taped "Sessions" based on his most popular writings a true blessing in their immediacy, and their usefulness on many levels; one can get so much Bible based teaching from these 8 lessons, packed into 226 minutes. They are good for study groups, or for the lone seeker, wanting to get as much scriptural instruction as possible. As an artist, I like to put these "Sessions" on while I work, and get inspiration and edification while I paint.Dr. Wilkinson's "A Life God Rewards", subtitled "Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever", explains how "Faith" will get you into heaven, but why you need "Works" for Judgement Day, and how "doing is a servant's language of devotion".
The production values are excellent, including some nice props, which have a healthy sense of humor.
The second tape is especially excellent, with its final Session on motives and consequences.
The themes for the eight Sessions are:
1: "The Unbreakable Connection in Your Life"; 2: "The Six Events of Your Forever Life"; 3: "The Day God Will Reward You"; 4: "Two Keys to Your Eternal Future"; 5: "The Seven Main Works God Rewards"; 6: "The Eternal Reward of Rulership"; 7: "The Eternal Reward of Treasure"; 8: "The Motivation for Eternal Rewards".
If you are someone who contemplates eternity, and believes that this life is just a miniscule portion of your existence, these lessons will strengthen your walk with the Lord, and clarify how faith as well as your actions and works do matter, as "He will reward each according to his works", Matt. 16:27."
This Day and What You Do Matters Eternally
----john J. Butera | WOODLAND PARK, CO USA | 04/24/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love all of Bruce's DVD's so far and this one is no exception. The visual impact of seeing some of Bruce's examples are very powerful and I still see them as they continue to motivate me. We ALL have a divine calling and we all are laying up treasure in Heaven.This DVD was crucial in opening my eyes to why I am here now at this time and what was I doing to enhance the Kingdom. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone at any time in their walk with the LORD. Bruce lays forth scripture and powerful examples of GOD's desire to be intimate in our life to make our life count. This is a very inspiring DVD and powerful tool to be used to seek GOD for what HE wants you to do with your life. Are we living our lives or is GOD living HIS life through us.
There is no condemnation in this DVD only the profound word of GOD and real life examples of Divine intervention in the lives of ordinary people. There are excellent examples of our short lives vs eternity and the rewards GOD is offering us to reap now and in the Eternity to come. The Challenge to us is the most exciting of possibilities to have THE FATHER work HIS will in us to have HIS will be done on Earth through us.
I highly recommend this DVD. Bruce is one of the most captivating speakers and he walks the walk so to learn from one who does the word is priceless. GOD bless JB"