Video adaptation of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method
Democritus | 08/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Bruce Lee's Fighting Method
Performances by Ted Wong and Richard Bustillo
This is a video adaptation of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 2 - Basic Training and Volume 1 - Self Defense Techniques. Volume 2's warm up exercise content makes it logical to reverse the order of demonstration on video just as if you were attending a martial art class. The first 33 minutes of the video demonstrate the Basic Training exercises and moves in volume 2. The remainder of the video is the demonstration of moves to defend and counter against attacks as Bruce Lee demonstrated in the Self Defense volume 1. The Video is 52 minutes long.
There was an effort to keep the video consistent with the text of the books by Bruce Lee and M. Uyehara as evidenced by the narration in the video coming directly from the books them selves. Ted Wong and Richard Bustillo never speak in the video but perform the all the moves in good form well worth watching. The narration was done by Earl Binford. Ted Wong was one of the original students of Bruce Lee. You can see him in the book photos demonstrating the moves of the assailant opposite to Bruce Lee.
Basic Training demonstrates warm up exercises, fighting stance position and posture, guard positioning of the hands, foot work, power and speed training methods and kicking exercises.
Self Defense demonstrates 3 defense counter moves to surprise attacks, 6 counters to an unarmed assailant, 9 counters to being grabbed by an assailant, 9 counter moves against choke holds and hugs by an assailant, and 7 counter moves against armed assailants wielding against a club, a staff, a knife and a pistol, and 5 counters to an assailant while being caught in a vulnerable situations.
furhteeadogadoo | the walls | 08/17/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very well put together film, featuring two of Bruce Lee's original students Ted Wong and Richard Bustillo, who will help your education in Bruce Lee's art. You will be a more proficient fighter after experimenting with the techniques learnt in the film. The film gets you going you by taking you through a warm up and then basic exercises that can be practiced alone or with a partner. You will then be shown fundamentals such as stancing, footwork, punches, kicks, power and speed training and later a self defence section that give you an example of how some of these techniques can be applied in an actual fighting situation. This film is essentially a video adaptation of the book, Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Volume 2. For experienced martial artists it is certainly worth watching for the reason of viewing some of the methods presented in action, and the film is a wonderful supplementation for begginers and experienced practitioners. The video is certainly helpful and will prove to be a useful aid in your jeet kune do training! Highly reccomended!"
Master the Art of Fighting in your own Living Room
Jason T. Fetters | Tampa, FL The Sunshine State | 03/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Excellent companion video to the Bruce Lee Fighting Methods books that are now available in one handsome hardcover edition. Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition
Black Belt Magazine has done a fine job of showing how Lee's techniques and training ideas come to life from the pages. Its one thing to see and read through the text and try to figure out how its suppose to look. You really need to see it to get the complete picture.
This is Bruce's real fighting art. There are no camera tricks, battle yells, or flying jump kicks. This is a nonsense realistic approach to combat and how to prepare for it. If your used to seeing Lee fight in one of his many Hong Kong fighting movies, you may be surprised at how he really viewed combat. Most of his kicks were below the waist, unless playing around in a light hearted sparring session, then higher head kicks would be used. Punches from his Wing Chun background as also put to good use.
The most practical section has to be on how to bring it all together and use it for self defense. Most of the self defense moves from Bruce Lee's Fighting Method Self Defense Bruce Lee's Fighting Method, Vol. 1: Self-Defense Techniques are shown. How to execute them when dealing with a variety of different attacks.
This instructional DVD is a must have for getting the complete picture that the books only present the first half of.
Great reference for Bruce Lee's Fighting Method
P. Bakhshpour | Maryland | 09/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently decided to learn some JKD basics and started by purchasing the new collective edition of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition. BLFM is Bruce's original teachings on JKD. This video is a very good adaptation of the basics covered in the book, and accompanies it very well. The part that I had a hard time with in the book is the southpaw stance (on-guard position) used in JKD. I really needed some visual guidance. JKD basic techniques (movements, lunges, kicking and punching) are covered well here and will help you better understand the information in the book. The only problem is the short length of the video (about 52 minutes) and its price."