N. FORMOLA | 07/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many Bruce Lee's fans don't buy this titles because the description of the dvd was not complete. What are the titles by videoasia?? Please write description or cover. thanks"
Good content, too many flaws by the worst movie distributor
morgoth | omaha, NE | 07/23/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I do have to wonder about the credibility of George tan, the pruducer of this boxed set and the documentary featured on here. I mean why are you teaming up with video asia??? Major questions there. I will go over each of the discs in this set. There is major problems with "the young bruce lee" dvd and other not so major problems on all the other discs. I will explain.
FIST OF THE UNICORN- I never thought I could give a movie with yusakai kuratu in it a 0/5, but I am. Add in Whang in-sik who's legs look awesome in this, and I just told you the one good scene of this movie. Unicorn Chan is actually not that bad of an actor and his kung fu skills are not the worst. But his signature move where he flies up into the air like superman and then just comes down to kill his oppenents with his death strike, it is truly unbearable to watch.
Now there is 2 versions of the film on this disc: A really bad full screened english version, and a widescreen one that has an even worse picture with almost unreadable subtitles.
The movie is just so stupid and bad I really cannot recommend this to anyone.
Now the 2 special feature are VERY good. One is an interview with betty ting pei that is REALLY REALLY old. And then a really cool interview with bruce's stuntmen.
BRUCE LEE: THE TRUE STORY-aka-the Man the Myth. The movie is horrible but it was laying around in video asia's library of crappy kung fu movies, so they used it. One interesting note is how they talk about how this movie actually reached Enter the Dragon type of box office #'s worldwide. But I guaranteee you the movie is just godawful.
There are 2 commentaries on this film and one is very important. The important one has the original writer of Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story- Rob Cohen's outrageously stupid and funny American Bruce Lee Bio movie. There is A LOT of important info discussed and this dvd is HIGHLY recommended by me for any bruce lee fan. Joe Lewis comes on and talks about how he met bruce and this commentary alone easily gets a 5/5.
The second commentary discusses the movie, Bruce Lee the True Story.
The extras are pretty good, though the ng see-tuen interview is way out of place. Still all the extras are pretty good.
NOTE-the dvd set gets only a 3 becuase the audio on the important commentary is lousily done and you will need to turn your TV up pretty loud. The commentary that talks about the movie is a little better audio quality.
DEATH BY MISADVENTURE-The documentary itself is truly one of the better investigation doc. about his death. And the commentary is very good. Though terrible audio quality, still worth listening too a couple of times. The doctor that first looked at Bruce, Dr. Don Langford was in like half of the documentary and then is on about 30 minutes of the commentary! It is so insightful that I have alreadsy listened to it twice. It is very interesting.
Now the audio is fine on the movie itself, but like I said is just really bad on the commentary. Still, worth turning up the volume and checking this out if you are a Bruce Lee fan.
THE YOUNG BRUCE LEE-this is an odd Bruce Lee documentary that looks to have been made in the 80's. The first 30 minutes show clips of when he starred in films as a child actor. I looked away for a minute or 2 and all of asudden there was a cartoon with a monkey beating up the devil??? I rewound but it really didn't make any sense, just as the whole movie really doesn't. But just as you get lost it becomes an almost watchable documentary. They show some clips from some stupid clone mmovies. I don't know if this movie/documentary was supposed to make sense, but it didn't come close. All in all, this is worth watching once for "the oyung bruce lee", but not again.
This disc does have a commentary by Jesse Glover, or at least I think it was him. I COULDN'T HEAR A THING! All you can hear is a muffled voice in the backround. Classic Video Asia.
The extras include an interview with Leo Fong, and other good stuff. A lot of it gets repeated on these discs, but only the good stuff. So videoasia, you must have got this done by your deadline, which was probably 1 day, way to go."
A great package
Twister Kicker | New York | 05/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This set has the most rare footage of any other set about Bruce Lee.
Death by Misadventure is the most riveting docu on Bruce I've ever seen.
No punches pulled and lots and lots of unseen footage.
It has childhood movies never seen before and awesome demos of Bruce doing Wing Chun and his historic demo on Hong Kong t.v. which landed him his Big Boss role.
Bonus features galore including extended interviews with his doctors,friends and students.
Top of the line.
Young Bruce Lee has tons of footage from his childhood films and clips from all his movies.
Terrific bonus features from his first student including a tour of Seattle and another piece on a Bruce Lee Museum in China.
Fist of Unicorn is very rare.
Bruce is only in it a few minutes but the bonus section makes up for that.
A great docu with lots of footage is included plus an awesome stills gallery with unseen photos.
Also his stuntmen talk about working with him.Greta great stuff there!
Bruce Lee True Story is probably the best Bruce Li bio film.
Here they present it with an audio commentary with Joe Hyams, Jow Lewis and George Tan.
The extras are great.
This is a fantastic package for such a low price.
Don't miss this!!!"
Boxed set contents
Kent W. Lohmuller Jr. | 01/30/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This boxed set contains the individual titles which can also be found on amazon below:
Death by misadventure
Bruce Lee: The true story
The Young bruce lee
fist of unicorn"