Not for everyone, but it got to me.
Scott Baboyian | Washington, DC | 09/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dude. Why do I do this to myself? I watch these movies at night, alone, in the dark, and I get scared to the point of pulling the sheets up over my eyes!
Modern viewers may look at this movie and see something old, cheesy, and dated. But I'm not one. I'm the type of person that is way more scared of the original Halloween or Friday the 13th than any new version. This film will get you, if, like me, you find 1970's and 80's horror movies the scariest kind: primitive special effects, creepy location shoots, costuming and makeup and casting that is so naturalistic it looks like real life, all shot on film stock that is getting old and grainy and decrepit.
I realize that some people have written reviews poking holes in the premise, plot, themes, and whatnot of this movie. Really, that stuff didn't bother me. There's enough suspense, atmosphere, unique settings and cinematography, plus the pure dread of little dwarf monsters, that I just didn't have time to be bothered by the flaws that these other reviewers cite. I was too busy pulling the sheets up to cover my eyes. Classic and truly disturbing.
(I think one of the most disturbing things about this movie is the presence of the child in the film. You can't help but constantly consider the fact that the nightmare this kid is living through is a recipe for being seriously messed up--institutionalization-style messed up. Of course that's a main point of the film, but to actually see it play out is incredibly affecting.)"
This movie is one of the weirdest/disturbing movies I have e
Aveen B. Zachariah | 11/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I first came across The Brood. I had no expectations whatsoever. I was initially very confused, but somehow strangely captivated. The movie from the beginning with its eerie score and strange dialogue begins like a roller coaster. You are sucked into this weird universe that seems so bizarre. After watching this, I realized that this film is Cronenberg's unique way of using science fiction concept to illustrate the horror of our own rage. Interestingly enough he also wrote this film around the time he was having issues with his ex-wife about custody of his daughter (go figure, HA!). I was waiting for a film to really shock me psychologically while producing a visceral reaction. I believe that the Brood succeeds particularly well with this.It was extremely creative and well executed. All too often Hollywood relies on using cheap kills and machetes to "scare" people, which is silly. (I mean really do we need to see a remake of friday the 13th. How much can you add to that pile of crap?) I only wished that Hollywood used a more psychological approach to horror, because it would make a far more gratifying experience."