Brokeback Mountain is a sweeping epic that explores the lives of two young men, a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy, who meet in the summer of 1963 and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection. The complications, joys and hear... more »tbreak they experience provide a testament to the endurance and power of love. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver emotionally charged, remarkably moving performances in "a movie that is destined to become one of the great classics of our time" (Clay Smith, The Insider).« less
MARLON N. (foxy-mulder) from SAINT PAUL, MN Reviewed on 1/12/2015...
With the untimely demise of costar Heath Ledger, this is destined to be a cult classic.
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Lisa B. from BALDWIN, MI Reviewed on 8/16/2009...
I really liked this movie. It kept my interest from beginning to end. Shows how some gay relationships start. I like the fact that they didn't hold back. Very emotional.
One of my favorite movies
2 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Katie B. (KatieKat) from MELBOURNE, FL Reviewed on 8/12/2009...
Did not care for this movie much. Didn't even make it through the whole thing.
4 of 8 member(s) found this review helpful.
Duane S. (superpoet) from FORT WORTH, TX Reviewed on 1/19/2008...
I really enjoyed this movie. It explored the emotions of 2 people in love. For all the hype, there was only one explicit scene. The scenery was breathtaking.
4 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Ennis and Jack
MICHAEL ACUNA | Southern California United States | 12/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Love has no rules. It happens when we least expect it, often when we don't want it, many times when we can't handle it. It often times scares you, surprises you, shakes you down to your very core. Ennis Del Mar (a remarkable Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (an emotionally available Jake Gyllenhaal) find themselves thrown together because of a job: forced to spend many hours together alone in the wild, tending to sheep in a remote region of Wyoming....on Brokeback Mountain. They fall in love: a love that they soon realize only lives and breathes on the mountain.
It's 1963, pre American involvement in the Vietnam War, post Korean War: a time in the USA when life was simple, straightforward and the lines between the sexes and sex roles were crisply drawn and severely delineated. It was a time when men and women were pigeon-holed into unrealistic modes of behavior and anyone who ventured outside of these boundaries was thought of at best, weird at worst... perverted and in many states, criminal. Ennis himself, at an early age was witness to the ugly, disgusting results of a hate crime perpetrated on a Wyoming farmer who had lived many years with his partner. In most societies he would be venerated but in 1950's Wyoming... he became a target.
Director Ang Lee begins this film as both Ennis and Jack are waiting outside of a building, both looking for work, both down on their luck, both avoiding each other's eyes. We know, or those of us who have read the story know, what is to happen and so unfortunately we read more into that simple scene than there really is. But with all that aside, this scene of Ennis and Jack avoiding each other, dodging each others looks, staring at the ground, kicking up the dirt is nonetheless rife with sensuality and tension.
Ennis and Jack are inexorably drawn to each other through their proximity, loneliness and through a shared lack of tenderness and emotion in their lives: they are emotionally, physically and psychically bonded almost from the start. It is inevitable. It is Fate.
And so begins a Love affair that transcends social mores, time, marriages, children, extra-marital affairs and divorce.
Despite all that is going on in their lives, Ennis and Jack meet several times a year up on Brokeback mountain and rekindle and thereby re-ignite their emotional and physical attraction: there is no one around, they are free from their regular lives...they can love.
Much has been made of Heath Ledger's performance as Ennis and he gives what is without a doubt one of the finest performances of this year. Ennis is a quiet, stoic man and he is troubled and frankly scared by how deeply he feels for Jack. As he showed us first in "Monster's Ball," Ledger is capable of digging way deep down into his gut and imbuing his performances with an unflinching frankness and truth that we can neither ignore nor help to be moved by.
Gyllenhall's Jack is the younger of the two: he's fun, he's a little crazy and unfortunately he wants a lot, lot more than Ennis is able to give him. Gyllenhaal's hang-dog, frisky puppy of a performance is full of warmth and light: the kind of transcendent light that shines out from a soul full of love, understanding and acceptance.
"Brokeback Mountain" is devastating in both its presentation, its performances and its tragic denouement. This movie is not for everyone. But if you are willing to open up your heart and mind a bit to let in its beauty, emotionality and sensuality you will not be disappointed. In fact... you will be renewed.
Brokeback Mountan sure got us good
Film Lover | 03/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off let me just say, wow, everyone was right, as a straight male I can truly say this movie touched me in a way no other film ever has. BBM definately deserved the Best Picture Oscar, and what makes me mad is that I really liked Crash, but thanks to the Academy I cant watch it without thinking, how could they choose this over a masterpiece like Brokeback.
So most of you already know the story so I'll tell you about how this film affected me. My girlfriend wanted to go see this movie last week and I was actually pretty excited. I saw the previews and thought wow finally something original from Hollywood after a year full of crap. So we went and after the movie was over there were of course people crying but I didnt know what to feel, I thought the ending sucked but the acting was pretty good.
Then I found myself thinking it over on the ride home, and all night I dont think I said more than two words to my family, and then as I was getting ready to go to sleep I started to tear up, I called my gf and she had the exact same reaction. Brokeback is a movie that definately touches you, not because its a gay romance, but because its a beautiful parable about loneliness, love, and what it means to be a man. I was reading a review about BBM and what it said was true. BBM was needed because the gay community has become a joke in this country, sure shows like Will and Grace and Queer Eye are out there but it just reinforces the stereotype that all gay men are fashion obsessed, feminine, and funny. Well I have gay friends, and most of them are just like me, theyre regular guys who do manly things and who just so happen to be attracted to other manly man because God made them that way. BBM definately does a lot of good in showing a more realistic side to the gay community.
So like I said I hated the ending at first, then I went back to see it this week because I couldnt stop thinking about it, and it was even better the second time, I realized that by ending the way it does BBM shows the courage and strength that gay men have to go through to come out. I found myself asking that if I were gay would I have had the courage to give up everything I ever knew to be with the person I loved. Honestly I dont know if I could, I can sympathize with Ennis because I grew up in his situation, my father and mother have always preached against the sins of the world, including homosexuality, I dont know how Id ever be able to tell them if I were gay. Likewise almost everyone has that doubt that Ennis has, that wish that you had done something to make you happy instead of making everyone else happy, wheter its pursuing a relationship, career, or dream, we all have our regrets in life. What gets to me the most and what caused me to become one of those weeping audience members at the end of the second viewing was that Ennis does what he does in order to protect Jack, and unfortunately it kills him. I truly believe it wouldve been different had Ennis & Jack bought that ranch.
The acting is phenominal, Heath Ledger gives one of the greatest screen preformances in history as Ennis Del Mar. Phillip Hoffman won the Oscar this year and I really liked his preformance, but Heath has so little to work with and yet is so heart wrenching. He's able to convey so much by just saying "Jack, I swear" than most actors could show in a whole film. Expect this role to pop up on AFI's list of greatest preformances sometime very soon. Michelle Williams is also a revalation, that scene where she sees Ennis and Jack kissing and essentially sees her world crashing down is so powerful without being showy, and Academy I have a serious complaint, Rachel Weisz, WTF? To say that her preformance was better than Michelle's in Brokeback and Amy Adams in Junebug, you have got to be kidding me, guess being pregnant buys you some serious points doesnt it. Now as for Jake Gylenhaal, the first time I saw BBM I actually didnt understand him, he didnt seem to have any sadness at seeing Ennis go that summer except for when hes in his truck, than I realized why, he was being strong for Ennis, he was essentialy saying im your rock. Its a tough preformance that you have to see more than once to truly appreciate but Jake nails it perfectly. Anne Hathaway as Lureen isnt really given much to work with, but that phone call with Ennis shows shes way more than just a one note actress.
Yes, im rambling but its because BBM touched me so much its hard not to praise this film. For all those giving it one stars, you obviously havent watched the movie, because its so much more than two guys having sex, which by the way probably consists of 30 seconds of screen time and almost no nudity save for a shot of Jacks butt which if you cant handle that than how did you ever get through the gym class locker room. Also for all those saying homosexuality is a sin, and BBM glorifies it, the characters end up heart broken and alone, if anything its an anti-gay film, or at least would be if the scenes between Jack and Ennis didnt show that these two men obviously love each other completely, and I was raised Catholic, I believe god loves every one of us and gay people are born that way, and I think theyre put on this earth to teach us what real love is.
Brokeback is definately an instant classic, and will go in my DVD collection right next to Citizen Kane and Million Dollar Baby as my all time favorites. And for those who felt it got shafted at the Oscars, dont worry, Citizen Kane, the greatest movie of all time got 1 Oscar for its screenplay, theres no doubt in my mind that BBM will be remmembered far longer than Crash, and that it will be way up on the AFI's list of the greatest movies of all time."
JGC | 01/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Brokeback Mountain" is the story of two all-man cowboys that find love in each other. The film is unique because it is not the typical gay stereo-type; perhaps it is the first mainstream film ever made on this topic?
Ennis Del Mar (played by the very talented Heath Ledger) is a very quiet and rough around the edges kind of man. He doesn't show his feelings very well and is somewhat of a loner. Jack Twist (played by the equally accomplished Jake Gyllenhaal) is more vocal about his feelings and emotions, but can still be pushed around (although I did enoy it when he stood up to his bigoted father-in-law).
What makes this tale so bitter is that their's is a forbidden love. It is reminiscent of "Titanic" or Romeo and Juliet. Please keep in mind that the picture took place during 60's, 70's, and early 80's, in Middle-America where no one was openly gay, much less a cowboy. But, despite all their differences and personal demons both men loved each other more than life itself.
Anyone with connected eyeballs can tell that Ennis and Twist were deeply in love (this was not an affair, rather it was a serious relationship that lasted over two decades). It was proof that Twist loved Ennis when they were on the hill getting ready to leave after he playfully lassoed and punched Ennis. Twist looked so sad to have intentionally inflicted pain on his lover. But Ennis holed off and punched him, because no one was gonna make Ennis his fool. And it was evident that Ennis loved Twist when he sobbed like a baby on the street after they departed Brokeback Mountain separately.
The cinematography in this picture was absolutely stunning. The soundtrack is also amazing. I am certain that this picture is very Oscar-worthy.
I saw this movie about a month ago and I still can't get it out of my mind. It is a very full-toned and haunting picture. To say that it was the very best film that I have ever seen would simply trivialize it, because it is much more than just a movie.
Gay agenda... what exactly does that mean?
aljohnpa | New Milford, PA United States | 01/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Both my parents were Pentecostal ministers. My father was gay and my mother's mission in life was to save/change him. At one point around the age of 14 or 15 I babysat for my father's boyfriend's son. My father died a deeply depressed, broken unfulfilled man still blaming my mother for protecting me from him and preventing our relationship. The marriage was what they thought God wanted... a marriage of duty not love. I came out to my parents at 18. My father knew I was gay but never sat and talked honestly with me about his situation. Around the age of 26 I became depressed and my mother swooped in hoping to succeed where she had failed with my father and talked me into entering a (teen challenge) sponsored program that claimed they could change gay men. For one year I worked hard, did as I was told, read or viewed nothing from the outside, memorized scripture, abstained from sex of any kind, fasted for 11 days while cooking for 16 people and prayed. After one year they told me I was changed and released me into the world. I was being encouraged to marry a girl from my parent's church but no one asked if we were in love. After a few months of honest reflection I ended the relationship and went on my way to live my life as intended.
Gay people are accused of having an agenda. Just read the above and tell me honestly who really has the agenda. The gay agenda is to end the lies, hate, bondage, brutality and destruction.
I went to see Brokeback Mountain last weekend. At first I was stunned... then overwhelmed with sadness as I saw my father's life decisions repeated in front of the world. The sadness turned to empathy and understanding of the terrible anguish my father went through trying to change. My thoughts then turned to my mother's pain caused by her misguided mission of beating her head against the stone wall of my father's orientation. Again the sadness set in as I realized what a destructive force this misguided agenda to suppress gays is to entire families. Then I felt something lift from me realizing that so many people would see the destructive forces at play in our society. The rug is being lifted and the dirt of silence and oppression underneath is being exposed. There was a time when mixed race love was treated the same way. Thank you E. Annie Proulx, Ang Lee and all those with the courage to be involved with this project. Thank you for exposing the truth and wreckage.
I am 52 now and have been in love with and living with the same man for 27 years. There are many things the laws and lack of equal rights deny us but nothing can keep us from loving each other. Jack Twist was right... It is possible to be gay, in love and happy.